Game 3 Rule Changes

Oct 13, 2011 02:39

Sorry for the delay! Here's what we've decided on for Game 3:

Important Rule Changes for Game 3


1. Alliances
As already announced, Game 3 will have the following alliances: Black Mage+Monk, Dragoon+Thief, Soldier+White Mage. The points in each alliance will be added together. arivess has already sent the invites out, so check your invites to join your new alliance team comm!

2. Gil Changes
As already mentioned, gil in moogle_workshop has been changed from a max of 300 gil per week to 200 gil per week. We will also be adding some more places to spend gil, if all goes well. *fingers crossed*

3. Tag Banner Size Limits (and other info)
It's now an official rule that tag banners should not exceed the size of 350 px wide by 200 px tall. I have also added a section on tag banners to the FAQ.

EDIT: I had a major brain-fart -- I believe the max dimensions we've been using informally the past few games is 350 px by 200 px, not 250, so let's go with 350x200. Sorry about that! >_<


4. Changes to Soldier and Dragoons
In order to keep Soldiers and Dragoons as separate as possible, we're giving Samurai as a secondary class to Dragoon (updated here) but leaving out Paladins and Knights. Any characters falling under these categories (including Cecil) will be considered a grey area. This means multiple classes are allowed to claim these characters. Also, Ashe has been removed from the Soldier list, but Ramza and Zack have been added.

The rationale for these changes is that the closer Soldiers & Dragoons come together, the more murky it becomes to split hairs. I also want to keep the Soldier class small because right now it's a bit all over the place in terms of character examples.

5. Perfect Sorting Bonus
A 20% bonus will apply to all people who sort EVERY application in a game. This 20% bonus also applies to newcomers sorted mid-game, provided they at least sort every app released after they have been sorted. (They can optionally sort earlier apps, e.g. apps in their own batch, and that would mean a higher sorting bonus at the end of the game. But they wouldn't lose the bonus by NOT sorting earlier apps.)

6. Stamping App Changes
Replaced the feminine vs. masculine dichotomy with logical/thinking vs. emotional/feeling.


7. Lowered Winning Points
The winning points in ultima_arena will be toned down where possible.


8. Discontinuing De-anon Bonuses
There will no longer be points given for de-anoning contest entries from ultima_arena by crossposting them in moogle_workshop. As sunflower_mynah explained, though, the bonus DOES still apply to Game 2 contest entries.

9. Poetry Scales
Changed the poetry scale to give 1 point per 10 words (as opposed to every 15) +2.


10. Revamped Tag System
sunflower_mynah reworked airship_lounge tags to add some new, useful tags and marked serious (i.e. content-related) tags with a "." prefix so that they float to the top. Hopefully this makes it easier to find posts as well as to quickly see the relevant tags and still make up your own tags.

I hope all that makes sense. This is most likely going to be the last "official business" post you'll be seeing from me for a very long time, so... peace out. :)

P. S. be sure to check that your name is not on this members cut list (...unless you want it to be there D':)

!announcement, rule changes

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