Game 3 Mod Team

Sep 19, 2011 11:22

Thank you everyone for stepping up and applying to fill all the open mod positions we had! First off, your new ff_land main mods are arivess, xinnk, and zerrat. A BIG welcome and thank you to them!

I have some posts I need to make to finish up Game 2 business (like... the game results...) but after that, you'll mostly be seeing zerrat and xinnk around these parts and not me.

ff_land (main): arivess, chacusha, xinnk, zerrat
arivess: minigames, invites and membership
chacusha: contests, help with tallying
xinnk: tallying, help with ff_land posts
zerrat: ff_land posts, feedback & complaints, miscellaneous duties
ff_classchange (sorting): the_404_error with arivess

airship_lounge (social): sunflower_mynah & zerrat
ff_eventsquare (events): etsplanations
ff_minigames (games): arivess, lady_supernova, & the_404_error
moogle_workshop (fanworks): sunflower_mynah & breyzyyin (Yin)
ultima_arena (contests): chacusha & xinnk

curaga_casters (white mages): breyzyyin (Yin) & purpletrance
firaga_casters (black mages): the_404_error & virago_queen
gil_stealers (thieves): arivess & sai_salamander
heavenly_lances (dragoons): the_cosmos_girl (previously tearductcircuit) & surmise
mythril_swords (soldiers): breyzyyin (Breyzy)
raging_fists (monks): freijya

The Monk and Soldier teams are still open for a co-mod, in case anyone is later interested. Until then, zerrat will be helping freijya as a co-mod.

!announcement, mod team

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