Mod Applications

Sep 02, 2011 20:31

As you probably know, Game 2 is over, except for a couple of contests in ultima_arena creeping past the end of the game. So I will be spamming your flists with some important end-of-game posts! This is the first, which has some important mod-related announcements and mod applications.


1) Now looking for main (neutral) co-mods! I recently decided that I want to go to grad school, so the next 3+ months will be dedicated to applying for grad schools and talking to research professors... This means I won't be able to be THE main mod around here anymore -- I just don't have the time to commit myself fully to all that entails. So I'm really looking for at least one (preferably two) people who would be willing to come on board and be a neutral mod and oversee the running of FF Land. See below for more information.

2) New mod position: Events Mod! After running the Garden Festival in August, lightofeilia realized she has so many ideas for special events that she's decided to be a full-time Special Events Mod and step down from her Minigames position. She's also looking for a co-mod to help run comm-wide events (more details below).

And now mod applications. There are lots of open mod positions this time around so I'm going to do them all at once in FF Land main.

- Each position has its own thread in the comments. Reply there to apply for a position. All comments are screened.
- More info on some of these positions is available here

Neutral Mod (looking for 1-2 co-mods to work with chacusha)
A neutral mod is responsible for the whole FF Land comm. Neutral mods have admin privileges in ALL the FF Land sub-communities, which means they are able to invite people to the comms and are able to see all posts and screened comments in every comm. For this reason, neutral mods would have a limited ability to participate in contests and occasionally a minigame here or there, and would need to leave their team loyalties behind. I also ask that a neutral mod take on a major point-giving position -- your choice of ff_minigames, ultima_arena, moogle_workshop, or (new) ff_eventsquare. (If you're already a mod of one of these comms you can just stay where you are.)

Responsibilities (in order from biggest time-commitment to smallest):
- Very generally speaking, overseeing other mods. This includes making important posts in judge_magisters; answering other mods' questions about scheduling, rules, proposals, etc.; planning activities/reviewing and okaying activities that other people have planned. This makes up the vast majority of the work, I think.
- Making important posts to ff_land such as announcements, point updates, and community feedback
- Sending out invites to newly sorted members
- Updating point spreadsheet

Things I'm looking for in a neutral mod:
1. Most important -- a compatibility with my modding style and an in-depth understanding of the rules of FF Land and the logic behind those rules. I don't want a co-mod who is ban-happy (i.e. quick to see infractions everywhere and quick to respond with punishments -- I don't want that! D:). Instead I prefer a more easygoing, hands-off approach. I want someone who is on the same page as me as far as all the rules go, so that as a mod team there's a very consistent front.
2. Fairness. No biases, no rule-bending for friends, being impartial when giving out points, that kind of thing. It's important to treat all people with the same amount of warmth and respect.

Things that are a plus (these are all optional, but would be cool):
Detail-oriented, error-free posts, highly communicative, lots of free time, friendly, not afraid of making posts in comms, familiarity with LiveJournal (polls, cuts, screening comments, sending out invites) OR the ability to pick up those kinds of skills quickly

Sorry this mod position write-up is so long but I get a bit srs bzns about this type of thing. Here's the mod app (also long and serious). Note: there are a bunch of very specific questions on rules. You can either answer off the top of your head (if you know) or just look up the answers. I DID WARN YOU THIS APP IS LONG AND SERIOUS.
If picked as a neutral mod, the point-giving position you'd be willing to do: [choices: Minigames, Contests, Fanworks, Events; if you're already a mod of one of those and like where you are you can just list that; if not, feel free to check out the descriptions of the positions and apply to them below too]
Which neutral mod responsibilities interest you or do you think you'd be best suited for?
Describe the main sub-communities of FF Land and what kind of content is posted there, and how points are earned:
Someone sends you a message with a change they'd like to see in the comm. What do you do?
How many points do you typically get for voting in an writing contest?
How many points is an icon worth in ?
What is 's activity requirement?
If a Thief were sorted in Game 2, which comms would they be invited to and what posting privileges would they have?
Anything else you'd like to add:

Contest Mod (looking for 1-2 co-mods to work with chacusha)
A contest mod regularly runs contests in ultima_arena. I'd like to bring on an extra person (or possibly two) so that we can split the work and hopefully get some new contest ideas! Note that as a UA mod, your ability to participate in contests is limited since you'll be able to see all the entries.

This position is a bit memory-intensive -- lots of little details to keep track of. From my experience the most time-consuming part of it is putting together voting posts. Lots of copypasting and formatting involved there. Other major tasks are planning contests, writing up challenge posts, tallying points, and keeping track of banner-making.

Neatness and attention to detail is a useful skill here, as is liking contests and being able to think of new ones. If you're interested, just comment with a bit about why you're interested in contests.

Minigames Mod (looking for 2-3 co-mods to work with arivess)
Since Eilia is stepping down, we're looking for a replacement minigames mod! If you're interested, just comment with a bit about why you're interested in minigames.

Events Mod (looking for 1-2 mods??)
The events mod is in charge of organizing and supervising special events that go on in ff_eventsquare, such as this past game's Garden Festival. These events tend to be pretty big in scale and somewhat experimental, and so require a bit of forward planning. If you'd be interested in that kind of long-term planning, comment below.

Team Mods
Team mods are in charge of keeping their comm active -- posting reminders, facilitating discussions, getting members pumped, etc. There's really a variety of things team mods do. If you have any questions about it, you can always ask your current team mod.

Open positions:
Dragoon Co-mod (looking for 1-2 mods)
We're in need of a head Dragoon mod, and possibly a co-mod as well! thedrowned is willing to be a side/back-up mod, in charge of posting reminders, but if there's someone who's willing to be a sole mod, or two people willing to be co-mods with each other, then thedrowned would like to step down. If you're interested, comment with what you'd like to commit to, whether you'd like a co-mod, that kind of thing.

Monk Co-mod (looking for 1 co-mod to work with freijya)
Freijya has a busy semester so she would really like someone to split mod duties with. If you're interested fill out this form in a comment:
How much time do you want to put into modding?
(Optional) What kind of activities would you like/be willing to do?

Soldier Co-mod (looking for 1 co-mod to work with Breyzy (breyzyyin))
Comment below if you're interested!

Deadline for applications: Friday September 16

mod applications

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