De-anoning Bonuses (Take 2)

Jul 20, 2011 23:47

All right, so as I mentioned before going on vacation, the more I thought about the de-anon bonuses and how to handle them, the more thorns I ran into. I'm actually putting in my notes to propose we do away with them between Games 2 and 3 BUT, because changing the rules now would be really disruptive, here is my proposal for de-anon bonuses for the time being (posting to FF Land Main this time because these clarifications involve moogle_workshop and airship_lounge as well):

I. Fan essays are allowed to be posted in moogle_workshop at any time and will be given points using the fanfiction scale. However, to count as an essay they must have a minimum word count of 250 words and have some central "point" or theme to them.

The mods seemed to like the idea of essays being able to be posted to moogle_workshop for points, since as a polished piece of writing, they ARE a type of fanwork requiring time and individual work and they arguably fit in moogle_workshop better than they do in airship_lounge.* To make a distinction between these works and the discussions that go on in airship_lounge, though, I think fan essays should have a requirement on how much detail they go into (hence the minimum word count) and should also be organized enough to have a coherent theme, thesis, or point.

* airship_lounge is a place for discussion and conversation, while moogle_workshop is more one-sided -- someone posts a fanwork they created, other people respond to it, so arguably detailed fan essays fit better in moogle_workshop.

II. To get a de-anon bonus for an entry, you must crosspost it to moogle_workshop. This is just to make it easier on the mods and give us one simple way of tallying de-anon points.

III. The de-anon bonus applies to all contests except shorter blurb-type contests. So as a corollary, all contest entries that are able to get de-anon bonuses can be crossposted to MWS. The team slogans challenge, for example, would not be given de-anon points and those should not be posted to moogle_workshop. Everything else, if you wish to de-anon, go ahead and post it to MWS.

2.01 (Team Slogans): No points given for this one. Don't crosspost.
2.02 (Bad Fic): Give de-anon points. Crosspostable. **
2.03 (Protagonist Essays): Crosspostable and given de-anon points. Additionally, if your essay was over 1500 words, you'll be awarded the difference if you post it in moogle_workshop
2.04 (Yonkoma): Crosspostable (normal art/graphics) and given de-anon points.
2.05 (Four Sense Icontest): Crosspostable (normal graphics) and given de-anon points.
2.06 (Final Fantasy in 15 Minutes): Crosspostable and given de-anon points. **
2.07 (20in20): Crosspostable (normal graphics) and given de-anon points.
2.08 (Five Years After): Crosspostable (normal fic) and given de-anon points.
2.09 (Create a Dissidia Character): Crosspostable and given de-anon points. **
2.10 (Villanelles): Crosspostable (normal poetry) and given de-anon points.

** These don't really have a precedent of people posting fanworks of this type in MWS but Bad Fic and FF in 15 Minutes could be considered as normal fanworks due to being parodies (of different types -- Bad Fic parodies fic while FF in 15 Minutes parodies the original game). Create a Dissidia Character is the one I'm least sure about since I kind of would expect that more in airship_lounge than moogle_workshop. It's a grey area; I'd be interested in knowing what people think so I can take it into account when doing rule changes before the next game. But still, for this game, these entries should ALL be crossposted to MWS after these contests end, not AL!

IV. This system will be evaluated at the end of Game 2 for sure. If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to leave them on this post, or over at the Suggestions Post. And if what I've written here is horribly confusing, I'll be glad to answer any questions you have. :)

Finally, unrelated to this de-anon thing, I'm doing a member's cut soon, for real. LAST CHANCE: If your name is listed here you have 24 hours to tell me you want to stay or I'll be booting you from the comms!

!announcement, rule changes, airship_lounge, moogle_workshop, ultima_arena

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