Title: Underestimated
Rating: G
Notes: For
astrangerenters. Prompt was "Balthier, Rikku, honor among thieves".
These memes always give me the urge to write stories I would never, ever write otherwise. I suppose that's what I love about them. :)
The purse filled with gil sat heavy in Balthier's palm, weighty with the satisfaction of a job well done. )
Comments 5
I love Fran, so practical and perceptive, and oh Balthier. You just. *shakes head and laughs*
Awesome, KJ!
I love people writing Rikku as the smart little cookie she is. And Balthier understanding the thieves' code even when he gets somewhat snookered by it.
Now I'm suddenly having visions of Paine and Rikku dragging off Penelo to take Yuna's place on the Gullwings.
If people wanted to take thus sphere hunter / sky pirate crossover AU and run with it, I would soooooo not complain. I think my crossover prompt would even fit nicely. :)
BUT I LOVE THIS!! It was hilarious and they were both perfectly in-character. Thanks so much!
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