Trick or Treat 2009
I love that I can say "annual" because we've had more than one of these and how awesome is that
It's that time once again, guys, for another awesome kiss-based Final Fantasy Trick-or-Treat meme! The premise:
People prompt with two characters - basically a pairing. The "treats" are then relationshippy pairing-fic with
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FFVII: Reno, Yuffie, haunted house
FFVII: Zack, Aerith, costume shopping
FFVII: Vincent, Yuffie, pranks
Fandom/Pairing: Final Fantasy VII; Vincent/Yuffie
Rating: ESRB Rating of T for Teen < mild sexual content, mild gore >
Summary: With Yuffie, call no matter settled until it is arranged to her satisfaction, and call no deed, no matter how far-fetched, impossible.
Notes: Written for mabbly at ff_kissbattle
Ask, and ye shall receive.
For the FFN version, check here
And the "must eat brains" line was a perfect ending :P
Of Haunted Houses, Scones and Plotting Murder
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