Series 2: A lookback...

Sep 15, 2010 06:30

 3 years later..........

umm.. hi guyz. lol. I was looking through this place and noticed I never posted the winner for the special challenge on icon pairs. Probably pointless to most by now, but oh wellz. =P

First Place: hikarisenshi 

In any case, if anyone was ever curious, the person closest to winning with a lvl 19, a tons of summons and already in Master Form is Sephiroth, who incidentally is hikarisenshi 
Coming in second is Axel, played by anniereckless 
and third is Cait Sith, played by adventcloud87

I gotta say I loved the creativity put into all the icons and the challenges, but the calculation and  the complexity of this was a killer xD 

series 2

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