Listing myself =3

Apr 15, 2008 01:24


Name/Fandom Handle: Clarity Scifiroots (Entered fandom when still going by "Karasu" or Crow-chan)
Final Fantasy Fandoms: Final Fantasy VII (+ Advent Children, Last Order, Crisis Core), Kingdom Hearts
Media: Fanfiction, graphics (primarily icons), fanart; occasionally discussion and potential for 'vidding.


Livejournal URL(s):
scifiroots personal   | 
enchanting_muse all fanworks
InsaneJournal URL: scifiroots backup personal/fandom
Personal blog/webspace: is my domain hub

FANFICTION URL: Current profile is Scifiroots although I'm sure I'm up there under an old name, too.
Personal webspace: Art of Life hosts my fanfiction, Bran Llyr holds graphics / misc. fanworks
Misc. archives: I'm sure I'm elsewhere but I can't remember. ;;^_^

FANART URL: Big surprise, I'm known as Scifiroots!
Personal webspace: Bran Llyr holds graphics / misc. fanworks

I do fanworks in many other areas. Very little of my stuff is actually in anime/manga/games, the links to my above sites all lead to my work.

w00t! Now to get back to doing FF work... =3

fan:iconner, final fantasy vii: advent children, fan:artist, fan:reader, final fantasy vii: crisis core, final fantasy vii, fan:writer

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