Monday (really) Updates!

Nov 12, 2007 09:36

All comm updates will go here on Mondays. Also undone stuff. Hopefully we'll have all the To Do done by next Monday and the like. Feel free to comment here on whatever.

Thank you!

We have several new people ALL AT ONCE and no, I haven't um, put all of you on the yet. AWESOME.

Spreading the word--still awesome and in style.

We'd really appreciate it if you guys could drop a note about us out somewhere on the internet. Whether it's in your LJ, in a community you run, in your next chapter at, whatever - please help us get the word out! Our archive had been growing really well, but submissions have slowed as of late, and we'd like to see if we can get more people involved.

If everybody here can bring in just one or two more fans, and those new people bring in just one or two new fans, then -- well, everyone knows how a pyramid scheme works, right? Except that this is the pyramid scheme of AWESOME.

So this week whenever, that's what we're asking. Help us get the word out!

Also, if I (venefica_aura) comment on your entry I am not trying to pester or bully I swear. Also, thanks to people that are in the comm and have been friendly to knew entries. SEE MEETING PEOPLE IS FUN.


+ The following LJ users are completely archived and need to check their links on (and comment here when they have, especially if something doesn't work):

- invocations

+ Currently there is one non-LJ entry! Make this number bigger!

+ The following LJ users are completely archived and double-checked:

- Nada.

+ We have a new category! fan:translator, for those people that are bi or poly lingual! You kids are awesome and deserve a tag for your hard work in translating.

To Do:

+ The following users need to be archived:

- ember_white
- youffie_17
- chibirisuchan
- leradny

+ The following users need to have their links updated:

- We'll just permalink Sev here.

Link Update Announcement

Just an update and clarification on something. Communities that you run do count as links, with one caveat. The community has to be listed and tagged with its owner/moderator. By "community" we mean all kinds of 'community-based' sites which foster interaction between fans: LJ/GJ/IJ comms, forums on or on private sites, discussion forums elsewhere, etc. If people interact there about Final Fantasy, it can be included.

Since this is a fanlisting, however, we'd rather list it properly - as related to its mod. Some examples:

- If you run/mod an LJ community for FF fanfiction / discussions, this can be included in your links!
- If you own/run/mod an forum, this can also be included in your links!
- If you are a member of an FF-related community, this does not count. Only comms that you are in charge of can be listed in your name.
- However, if you think it's an important community to include in the database, let us know, and we will list it as a "solo link" or as related to its actual Mod or owner.

We weren't entirely clear on this in the initial posts, so if you need to add anything to your original posts, please do so - just make sure to comment on this entry so that we can update the database. Otherwise we won't see what you've changed!

!! monday updates, !! announcements

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