Fic: Aboard, About, Above, Across

Dec 05, 2012 14:24

Title: Aboard, About, Above, Across
Author: Jedi Buttercup
Rating: PG; Fluff
Characters: Mal/Inara, Zoe, Kaylee/Simon, River
Disclaimer: Whedon's &etc., not mine.
Notes: Post-BDM. For letsgetitdone, the Jossverse motivation-athon.

Summary: The Lady Tam was surely dressed for floor-twirling antics, and not the foufy-skirt type like what Kaylee preferred, nor the violent sort that had ended with Jayne on the floor, neither. 2100 words.

Linked at: Aboard, About, Above, Across (or at AO3)

inara, mal/inara, mal, simon, simon/kaylee, zoe, river, kaylee

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