Title: Not Wrong
Author: zoewarren
Rating: all ages
Characters: River, Mal, Kaylee, Inara
Challenge: #053 - River
Spoilers/Timeline: post-BDM (spoilers for the movie)
Word Count: 550
Sequel to: in the same 'verse as all my stories, but stands alone very well
Disclaimer: Joss is boss, I'm just playing
Summary: After Miranda, River finds her balance
Author's Note:
I''m working on the next in my ongoing Mal/Inara saga, and found that River is becoming a more pivotal character. I always meant to include her in the stories (and Kaylee, for that matter), but the style is so sparse, there was nowhere to wedge them in. So this is a little bit of me catching up with River, learning what she's been up to in the year or so since the events at Miranda.
Not Wrong