Title: Bedtime is for Bargaining
Fandom: Firefly
Pitter Patter Series Part: 4 of 4
Truthmaker Characters: Mal, Inara, River, Jayne
Pairings: Mal/Inara, Rayne
Rating: PG
Setting: Post BDM
Word Count: 875
Disclaimer: I don’t own ‘em and couldn’t afford ‘em if I wanted to.
Beta: Beta by the beautiful
night_lotus Summary: Explainations are given, plans are made. And the mother is finally revealed.
You really should read the first three parts
No Pitter Patter of Little Feet,
A Night of Revelations and
A Breakfast of Pistols and Truth to know what's going on here. There is also
Dance With Me set in the same 'verse but it is not essential for this story.
Fake Cut to Bedtime Bargaining )