May 03, 2006 17:07
You know, I find it funny when you see someone you knew from highschool or even grade school asks you what you are doing with your life now. Keep in mind that these people are ones that didn't know you all that well, or were too cool or whatever. So they ask you what you are doing and you tell them you're doing this and that, going to school for whatever, married or whatever. I find it really funny when you tell them what you're going to school for and they reply, "Oh, you'd be really good at that." Maybe I'm just ignorant to the knowledge people have of me, but I don't understand why people who hardly know me, would reply with this. And unfortunately, I generally don't reply with the same question.
"So what are you doing whith your life now?"
"Oh, I'm just having my second kid."
Or you know I work in a factory making good wages but I hate my job and I may get laid off at any day now.
Oh and sorry about that cancer.
That about sums that thought up.
Also, When you're strapping a baby into it's walker, wouldn't you think that maybe you should at least take the cigarette out of your mouth when you're face to face with your baby. Not in Tilbury though. Most people want the best for their children. When I see this I think that kid must not have been wanted. It's quite sad.
And smoking while riding a bike? Qucik nicotene fix or counterproductive?
Choose your own adventure.