Celes sat on the roof of Tzen's little red school-house, leaning against its bell. Garlands of brightly colored leaves hung from its awnings, and chrysanthemums sat neatly in its window boxes. Night had fallen on the township, and only one light remained on: that of the small, quaint house that she, her parents, and Clyde had shared for nearly three years.
Terra arrived not too long after. It never took her very long to reach her destination in the dreamworld, her esper instincts aiding her significantly in that. She sniffed the air appreciatively, enjoying the fragrance provided by the various flowers. Though this was no time for idling and the half-esper had to remind herself of that, pulling herself out of a pleasant haze to focus on where Celes would be. After a moment of concentration, she began to make her way to the school-house.
Celes closed her eyes and heaved a mighty sigh. This special place was no more, not really. For all she knew, her mother was back in Jidoor, perhaps working in the national library or at the university there. Her father was dead, and Clyde was hiding under the mask of a mercenary who... well, if he still cared about her, he hid it with amazing skill.
Terra quickened her pace though she didn't really see the need for running, here. She knew were Celes was and how to get there, that already cut down on a lot of time. Upon reaching the schoolhouse, she glanced around, then looked up wiht a smile. "There you are. How's the view?"
Celes started and scrambled to the roof's edge. "Terra!" she cried. "Do you want to come up? I used the tree over there to get on the roof. I never tried tree-climbing in a skirt that short, though."
"No need. This is the dream world, remember?" Terra concentrated and floated up to the roof, stepping delicately onto it once she'd ascended enough. She let out a small grin, not one to be a showoff normally but it was nice to have some augmented talents here. "Told you I'd come, it just took a while."
"Well, you know me. I always do everything the hard way, just to prove it can be done. Or perhaps because I only think things through on alternate Thursdays." Just like Daddy. Celes smiled, but only with her lips. "Thanks for finding me."
Terra laughed softly though she noted the look in Celes's eyes and assumed a more serious demeanor. "You're welcome. I'm just glad we're able to catch up after all this time, even if it's like this."
"Me too. You seem to be well. Is there anything new on your end?" Celes asked, looking at Terra wearily. She wasn't entirely sure where or how to start talking about herself, her mother, her father, or Clyde. She hadn't even figured out which name she ought to go by anymore!
"Me, personally? Not more than what you already know...the memories returning, researching what the magic storm did so we can figure out how to undo it. At least the threat itself is no more. But we didn't come here to talk about me..." Terra smiled gently, but regarded Celes with a friend's worried curiosity, wondering of how much help she could really be.
"Oh." Scrunching her nose bemusedly, Celes let out a little sigh. She was really hoping for a distraction. "Um... where to start? My name is Celeste. Celeste Cherie Brigandier. I'm the daughter of Bartholomew Brigandier, who was the youngest son of the Brigandiers, hunters and fishers by trade. My mother is Marguerite Brigandier, maiden name Fatima. She was a Jidoori scholar and intellect who traveled with my father around the world, studying the cultures of all she met. On one of our hunting expeditions, we picked up my 'big brother', Clyde Arrowny, who later became the outlaw who robbed a train with some guy whose name begins with a B. These were my family."
Terra shrugged half-apologetically, but she wasn't much for beating around the bush, at least not when there were important subjects to discuss. "Arrowny...you knew Relm's....oh, I see. I'm glad for you, though. That you were able to remember this at last. Not knowing where you came from is a very disorienting feeling." Oh, did Terra know that well...
"Yes. Relm's father. After I..." She wanted to say something along the lines of 'finding' or 'meeting' Clyde, but, at the same time, she didn't want to lie to Terra about this. "beat some sense into the man, I hope he'll find the courage to visit her. Not to take her away from you, but to just tell her that he's been looking over her from afar, and he's proud of her and he loves her." Celes sighed. "I know how she feels, so, as much as I love Clyde, I'm allying myself with her on this one."
Terra nodded, listening without interruption. After a silent moment, she turned from looking over the Tzen cityscape to regard her friend. "That's up to him...and Relm. It's not a subject I've heard her speak about at all, though I suspect she has talked about it with Edgar before. And considering the upheaval with Strago's death, I don't know how she'll react. But speaking as someone who really has no living relatives, I hope she'll take the opportunity if or when it comes." Evidently, she had no plan to interfere either way. This wasn't her secret, or her call. The truth could make you free, but it not always...
"Oh no, if you knew him, you'd understand!" Celes gestured agitatedly. "He's so afraid of life that he's wasting it running away from everything. If left to his own devices, he would never, ever try to contact her. He's even refusing to lead me to my own mother! What Clyde needs a serious spanking. I'm going to drag him back into humanity, kicking and screaming, whether he likes it or not! I'm not doing this just for Relm or me, but because his fate is worth fighting for."
Terra smiled and rested a hand on Celes's arm. "He's lucky he has someone so interested in his welfare as you. But what do you have in mind for him if he's as stubborn as you say?"
"Of course he is! Though it would be remiss of me not to care. That's what family is all about. As for how I'm going to accomplish this..." Celes paused, briefly glancing at the stars, wishing for a falling star, and smiling when the sky almost instantly obeyed her. "You know, I'm not sure. I think I'll play things by ear. And by ear, I mean trying to argue with him as my mother would, and if that fails to work, challenge him to a duel like my father. All I know is that, no matter how stubborn Clyde is, I can outdo him a thousand times over in that department. It's funny, what I've inherited from both of them. I'm tall, pretty-faced, and hot-tempered like my mother, and I have her intellectual bent. My father gave me his blonde hair, his blue eyes, and his courage. He had a little too much courage for his own good, but I love him all the more for it."
Terra smiled wistfully at mention of parents, though she pushed aside her own issues about that in favor of helping Celes, or at least being a good friend and listening to her. "An intervention then, by whatever means. You know if you need my help you have but to ask. Not that I have much in the way of solutions to offer just yet but as though that would stop me." She paused and arched and eyebrow, curious. "Do you know if your parents are yet living?"
"I know my father... he died trying to keep me from being seized by the Empire. I was brainwashed into believing that he abandoned me in front of the IMA, most likely because my parents were poor and wanted me to have a better life than they could offer me. It made perfect sense to me at the time. Just recently, though, I started to have what my father called 'bright dreams' again. Through these, including the visions, I pieced everything together." Celes pressed her lips together and furrowed her brow. "My mother is fine, though. Don't ask me how I know; I just... do."
Terra nodded, twirling a pale jade lock around a finger absently. "Oh, I believe you. At least you know what's become of them, then. Though have you had more visions since I communicated with you last?" Somewhat worried, considering the last couple of episodes she was told of.
"I had one more, but I think it's the last." Celes said. "I believe they existed for the dual purpose of aiding me in remembering the past and..." Identifying Clyde,Celes thought. But she really oughtn't blow Shadow's cover. Not now,anyway. "finding my mother and Clyde." she substituted. This was, for the most part, true.
While Terra sensed there was more Celes wasn't telling her, she wasn't about to pry into what her friend would not reveal. "Then they served their purpose and you will hopefully not be subjected to more such episodes. It's a terrifying thing, not being in control of yourself..." She stared off, remembering that quite well.
"Ugh, tell me about it." Celes said, shuddering a little at the memory of Clyde's voice, Clyde's eyes, his touch reaching her from behind the mask. "Having Shadow literally have to carry me, damsel-in-distress style, is no fun. Especially when I'm heavier than he is, and he's practically breaking at the knees under my weight. It makes me feel fat!"
Terra patted her arm in sympathy, though she did find it amusing on some level. "Well, you're certainly not that. Just far better toned than he is, that's all. But if it happens again, I want you to tell me. We'll figure something out if need be."
Celes laughed musically at that. "Oh, I wish with all my heart that he could have heard that one! We've been having a week-long argument on which of us is the better fighter, much along the lines of Edgar and Setzer's hair discussions. As childish as it sounds, I'd love to preen and tell him: 'Terra says I'm far better toned than you. So there!'"
Terra smirked and fought not to roll her eyes at mention of Edgar and Setzer's hair arguments. "I'm glad to have missed out on that considering, but I suppose you can pass it along if I won't have a certain mercenary coming after me for saying that."
"Sorry, but I can't guarantee that." Celes replied, giggling.
Terra chuckled, staying out at the Tzenscape and pulling her knees almost up to her chin, arms wrapped around her legs. "No, I don't suppose you could. But then he's heard worse, I'm sure."
"I doubt it. Everybody except me seems to be so afraid of him." Celes said. But there was a reason for that, she thought.
"And Relm. I have to admit I still am somewhat...he just has that 'leave me alone or suffer the consequences aura. But I don't believe he's as cold-hearted as all that." Terra shook her head, remembering his concern for her even when he wasn't willing to voice it.
"Nor do I." Celes said, laughing. "Shadow constantly calls me 'expendable,' but he never, ever lets me get left behind on a mission. And he was surprisingly kind to me after I had those visions." Perhaps he remembered Bartholomew, who he respected and liked, when Celes' eyes lost all their color. Perhaps he had a weakness for helpless women. Or perhaps... he really did remember the affection they once shared. Celes laid her head on Terra's shoulder.
"I've just learned not to call Shadow on it, he seems more prone to such actions when he thinks no one will confront him. I don't pretend to understand how he thinks but I'd like to believe we've all had some good influence on him." Terra smiled, not minding Celes leaning in at all. "For all that bickering, at least he was there when it mattered."
"Exactly." Celes responded, snuggling up to her friend. "Is it okay if I change the subject? There's a story I want to tell you. I think, since we were exploited by the same people, you might actually appreciate it."
Curiosity roused, Terra nodded. "It's fine with me, dear. You have my attention."
"Okay. When we moved back to Nikeah after hunting here in Tzen for two and a half years, my mother sent me out for little errands around town. I had an obsession with being useful and important to my loved ones back then. I suppose I still do. Anyway, one of my monthly errands was to buy Mommy's favorite tea, Nikeah Double Ginger, at the nearby cafe." Celes began.
Terra listened quietly, she wasn't one to interrupt with questions or sidetrack once Celes began. Polite though also genuinely interested. She just nodded in encouragemet, letting Celes continue.
"Instead of telling me not to talk to strangers, my parents just armed me with bow and arrows and a dirk and taught me how to defend myself in dangerous situations. So when I arrived at the cafe one day to see two soldiers playing chess at a table, one struggling though he could have easily checkmated the other in about three moves, I interrupted and pointed out his mistake. Both of the men were instantly charmed, and they led me to other gaming tables with things like checkers, go, and, my personal favorite, backgammon. The one who would have lost even bought me hot chocolate! I don't mean to sound conceited, but I easily beat the grown-ups at every game except backgammon, because so much of it depends on luck. I chatted with them about... a little too much, I believe. But at the time I thought nothing of it; two nice men in uniforms played games with me."
Terra nodded impartially, though perhaps a bit envious Celes had childhood memories. Terra didn't want hers back though, considering they were probably all filled with Empire labs and training. However, this wasn't really on her mind so much as Celes's story and so she remained quiet, letting Celes go at her own pace.
"My father had this gift. Apparently, it's a sort of Brigandier bloodline ability. Everybody who has the corn-silk blonde hair and the ice-blue eyes receives it. As you can tell by looking at me, I possess it too, but my father told me it was best if I repressed it. Through dreams, we can see random future events and prophecy. Either the dream fulfills itself in three days, or an important event leading to the fulfillment of a prophecy happens in that time. A telltale sign that we're experiencing a three-day cycle is our eyes. They pale to near-white. What made my father's gift particularly creepy was the fact that he dreamed about deaths more than anything else."
Terra shuddered, understanding how such a 'gift' could easily be a burden. And who would want to death-visions forced on them by dint of birthright? As talented as she was in her own way thanks to blood ties, Terra was glad precognition wasn't part of that package.
"Well, I had a dream that night that I was on an enormous stage in a large city, surrounded by spectators. Standing before me was a tall, strong man who I later recognized as Leo. He had a nice smile and the prettiest brown eyes I ever saw. Soft, dark eyes like chocolate drops." Celes' eyes briefly misted over, and she instinctively pressed her left wrist with her well-concealed locket against her breast, as if Leo could feel her embrace in the afterlife. "He chuckled softly and told me he was proud of me; he never expected me to make it this far in this tournament when I was so young. I didn't want to fight him. I was scared. He gently touched my shoulder with a big, warm hand, and he told me not to be afraid. I felt secure and completely loved at that moment. I nodded, raised my sword, and awoke. That morning, Daddy's eyes were positively blank and colorless. They looked like they were made of glass. He always was high-spirited, but his behavior was suddenly affected. He seemed fake; smiling too hugely, talking too loudly, and hugging us both too tightly and so often that we barely accomplished anything those three days. He kept reminding us how much he loved us, and snuck into my room every night to frantically tell me everything he knew. I hardly understood any of it, only that the words meant something important to him. He didn't tell my mother or me this, but I think he knew that he was to die at the end of the days."
Terra smiled softly at mention of Leo, looking away though she pushed aside her own memories of the man in favor of refocusing on Celes's story. Again, she shuddered at mention of Celes's father and that dubious gift. Who really would want to know when their last hours were nigh? A blessing and bane both.
"When they came to an end, I woke up, wrapped in a sheet, with nothing but my nightgown and my lucky fish. My memories were really fuzzy. My name was Celes Chere. I was a magical girl who could heal things. My family abandoned me because they wanted me to have a bright future. The empire was my new family. This is what I believed to be the story of my life... until the dreams came back." Celes pressed her lips together, tracing the floral patterns on Terra's lacy stockings with her eyes for a moment. "Crazy, isn't it? When we first met, I thought magic was the only thing we shared in common, but the stories of our lives are almost identical. But you have an advantage over me. You know your name. You're Terra. Who really am I, though? Am I Celes or Celeste?"
Terra shook her head slowly. "I couldn't remember even my name at first, not after all that brainwashing and slave crown business. I'm surprised the Empire didn't change it...as for your name, that's up to you. I have to admit after knowing you this long, it would be difficult to call you anything but Celes though." An apologetic smile, she'd try if Celes really wanted her to call her Celeste but likely she'd slip from that.
"I understand what you mean." Celes replied, squeezing Terra a little tighter. "It would be difficult for me to call you anything but Terra. Perhaps Celeste will be a special name that only a few people will know about. Like Leo. But... I... think I want the name Brigandier back. I'm not sure if, after all I've done, I deserve to bear this name, but I feel the last name signifies who I believe my true parents to be. And I'd rather not acknowledge any Imperial official as family."
"I can understand that, even if Celes Chere is a very pretty name. Family connections are important, after all." Terra leaned in, pondering the significance of names. "Branford as a name still means very little to me. I'm not even sure if there are any left, so might as well let it go. No children of mine would bear the name anyway."
"It really isn't that important, since your last name will be Figaro soon. Edgar is your family now." Celes said, smiling. "But I... I'll remain a Brigandier for a long, long time, though at least it's a name I can be proud of."
" 'Soon'...I hope so, the magic storm and other issues have prolonged that well enough." Though Terra smiled, staring off. Celes was right; even if she never met another Branford or recovered her mother's family, she would have one of her own that she could be proud of. "You never know...though yes, I can understand and agree with the name change. Or name reversion, really. I never stopped being your last name, even though you didn't recall it for a long time."
"Well, as soon as we get back, there will be wedding planning! It probably won't happen immediately unless you two go and elope and write a proclamation to the citizens." Celes smirked wickedly. "That's what I'd do if I were in your position. I would first grab Edgar, a random formal dress I liked, and my two witnesses. Then, I would head over to the nearest chapel, exchange oaths, and get all the necessary papers signed. And after that's taken care of, I'd temporarily place Roland in charge of minor affairs, run off to some pretty place that I have yet to see, perhaps Spira, to enjoy our honeymoon. I know it sounds childish, but I really, really hate large, overdone weddings."
Terra laughed, but shook her head. "It will be as simple an elegant as a royal wedding can be. Besides, even if we wanted to elope right now, we couldn't. The damage done by Zozo has to be redressed and I have a matter of my own to deal with first. Just because Edgar's back on the throne doesn't mean all is well again. But gods willing, it should be in time." For a while, anyway.
"Oh all right. Be responsible. See if I care." Celes giggled. "Honestly, though, I could never picture you doing anything so rash."
"Well, I have to set an example don't I? And I have done rash things -too embarrassed to tell you what they are, though- but I'd just like that to be...right, you know? So much in my life has been skewed, I'd just like to be as how it should be." Terra's tone was slightly wistful at that, knowing it wouldn't be perfect as nothing was...but perhaps as close to it as it could be.
Celes laughed at that. Terra really was endearingly overserious. "It's all right, really. But one of these days, we will have to get completely inebriated and reveal to each other, under the strictest confidence, all of the embarrassing things we've done. I feel that, as my best friend, you and only you ought to know everything about me, but I don't think I can share some things about my life unless I'm under the influence of quite a bit of alcohol."
Terra smirked a little at that, conceding. "Same here...normally I'm fan of retaining self-control but I might need something for that. Perhaps shortly before the wedding? Likely I'll need a destresser by then. You too, considering your involvement."
Celes cast Terra a devious look. "Well, you can always cast Invis on yourself and sneak into my room. Just be sure to identify yourself as soon as you close the door, or I will assume that you're Shadow and throw a Pearl spell in your face. If things become too hectic, I'll even raid the royal kitchens for the wine. And some good bread and cheese! I'm sure that they're hiding some really nice vintages in there."
"So will I..." Terra sighed lightly and leaned in, staring up at the dreamworld's Tzen's sky. "I've missed this. The dreamworld, talking to you. I hope it's a sign things are returning to as they should be..."
Celes nodded in agreement. Things really did seem to be looking up. Her brush with death at the hands of Terra's esper form no longer mattered. Her uncertainty about whether or not anyone loved her faded into oblivion. Thanks to Terra, she felt ready to take on the Zozo masses at Doma, her beloved Clyde, and the rest of the world.