Title: A Light in the Dim Morning
For: Kundagi/
tlc010Medium: Fic
Request(s): FF1, gender subversion is something I am very fond of, so I would like to see a reversal of the typical 'men are fighters, ladies are healers' convention.
Fandom(s): Final Fantasy 1.
Characters/Pairings: White Mage, Red Mage, Monk, Fighter, and some incidental wandering monsters.
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There's a lot of good stuff in here, but there's something about the line, "You heard about things like that happening," that I love, stylistically. Instead of feeling like an anomalous POV shift, it really made the whole thing more... I don't know how to describe it, organic feeling? Like the world was real, breathing, with its own history and urban legends. It made me feel like there was so much more there under the surface, a lot of lore to be discovered. It's the sort of line that makes me ache for a continuation, although that would be greedy and... awesome. But greedy! ANYWAY.
The anachronistic retrofits make it all the better, I think. What's a FF without an adorable Chocobo caravan being slaughtered? Also LOL at Kala ruining the bridge to Coneria, I thought that was precious.
All of the characters are so solid, well-defined and realized. It's amazing that you were able to do all that in under 7000 words.
Long story short,I loved it A++ am reading again
I would not actually be opposed to writing more things :3 I will see what I can do.
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