Ladies and Gentlemen of FFEX,
Your mods will admit it. We're very, very curious as to how you felt about Round 1. We have our own opinions on things we think went well, as well as things we think could be changed and improved. We'd like to see whether your feelings match our own! Also, we're nosy, and we'd like to see whether we did a good job overall.
Thus we present the FFEX Round One Exit Poll! Yes, it's long. But we wanted to address all the issues we possibly could. All you have to do is click your mouse! It should be easy for you!
There are two polls here. Please be sure you've answered both!
The poll is completely confidential. We won't be checking who specifically said what, we're more interested in the overall view - so please, please be honest! Also, all comments to this post are screened, so if there's anything else you have to say that we missed, please feel free to leave us a comment (anonymous, if you want). We're really craving feedback hardcore, if it isn't obvious by this point.
Thanks in advance,
the FFEX Mod Squad
Poll FFEX Round 1: Exit Poll FFEX Glossary and Sign-Up Changes - This section is wordy, please bear with us! It's a serious issue.
We encountered some situations where the use and interpretation of specific "fandom terminology" caused misunderstandings in both signups and matchups. We're considering adding an official FFEX Glossary where we define common fandom terms such as "slash" and "gen" in terms of how FFEX will use them during matchups. This would provide some common ground and clarify ambiguous terms which may have different meanings to different people.
(This is not meant to be a definitive fandom dictionary, just an FFEX-internal tool for making sure we match people up properly and we all understand each other.)
Having an FFEX glossary would also allow us to change the sign-up forms slightly so that participants can be more specific with the Do Not Want to Make section. The following is just an example of one of the changes that might be made, this particular one involving terminology about character relationships.
For example, the glossary might read:
- "Gen/Friendship": A situation between two people which could be viewed as bearing no romance whatsoever. Example: Selphie and Irvine, doing homework for a SeeD class; Yuna and Tidus, playing blitzball. It shows the characters interacting and enjoying each other but has no hints of a relationship other than friendship.
- "Romantic relationship": A more personal situation between two people; "shippy". Example: Selphie and Irvine, on a date; Yuna/Tidus, kissing; Cloud and Tifa, having an emotional discussion. It shows both interaction and strong feelings for each other, more than just friendship.
- "Explicit/Sexual relationship": A more physical situation between two people; smut, erotica, PWP. Example: Selphie and Irvine, a night together after a date; Yuna/Tidus, first time; Cloud/Tifa, R to NC-17. It either hints/implies sex, or depicts it.
And that particular portion of the signup form might read:
I am NOT willing to make:
» ...
» Pairings Types and Levels: M/F M/M F/F threesomes poly | | Gen/Friendship Romantic Sexual/explicit
» ...
Meaning that a good signup form would become a little complex, but would also carry a powerful amount of information for the mods to use during match-up time:
I am NOT willing to make:
» ...
» Pairings Types and Levels: Any pairing(sexual/explicit); M/M(Romantic); Poly/threesomes (any level).
» ...
Participants would therefore have to go through our Glossary before submitting their sign-up form, to make sure they were submitting correctly. The mods would also have to compile such a dictionary and give it some kind of "test run" to ensure that the terms were clear enough. Frankly, it's a lot of work. However, we think it would help. Mostly, we want to know what you guys think of the idea before we take any huge steps.
Poll FFEX Round 1: Exit Poll, Bonus Round! Please keep watching the community -- Chocobo Down prompts are coming your way soon!