Title: That Indescribable Feeling
bluemoonbassistMedium: fanart* (please see notes)
Request(s): FFX-2, Paine/Brother (anything featuring that pairing)
Fandom(s): FFX-2
Characters/Pairings: Paine/Brother
Rating/Warnings: G/none
Feedback: Sure?
Spoilers: nope
Word Count: n/a
Summary: Brother and Paine being cute. Paine? Cute? Yus. :3
And one with a bg just for fun.
Notes: I had a fic typed up, nestled safely in my fanfic folder. All nice and cozy-like. Until Monday night when I got home from work to find my computer looped in a blue screen of absolute death, and had to do an emergency reformat. *wails* I tried re-writing it, but it wasn't working too well. So, no fic. Instead, I've been working on this for the last few days.
I'm bound and determined to try and crank that fic out again in the near future though...I'll contact you if that ever happens? y/n/m? ♥