Title: Seeing You for the First Time
misskallowayMedium: pencil, painter, photoshop
Request(s): Quistis/Rinoa
Fandom(s): FFVIII
Characters/Pairings: Quistis Trepe / Rinoa Heartilly
Rating/Warnings: PG
Feedback: Concrit welcome, but if it's about anatomy I'm probably already pulling my hair out over it.
Spoilers: Nothing
Word Count: N/A
Summary: Looking back on this now, I really hope you meant the two of them as a couple. ^_^'' And I'm sorry, but I couldn't figure out how to visually include anything about Rinoa's parentage. I hope you'll like it anyways.
(and as an added bonus, because I always think my line drawings look better before I color them, here's the sketch)