Title: Dream
mizuirotenMedium: Fanfiction
Request: Yuna, the fayth of Bahamut and the memory of Tidus
Fandom: FFX
Characters/Pairings: Yuna, Lulu; Yuna/Tidus implied
Rating/Warnings: PG
Feedback: Yes, please, always. Any and all feedback, including concrit, is welcome.
Spoilers: For the ending of FFX
Word Count: 2920
Notes: Many thanks to
lassarina, official
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Opening with Yuna's nonsensical dreams was such an effective way to start; it brings the reader straight into her heart --we all understand the absurd-yet-universally-human dream logic.
It makes us believe her when she says she doesn't have that kind of dream any longer and it hurts all the more.
I like her logic in only sharing her dreams with Lulu, it seems so right that Rikku would react the way Yuna imagines. Rikku's optimistic logic isn't what Yuna needs. So we have Lulu's unquestioning protectiveness.
Yuna's reaction to her Al Bhed...fan? admirer? acolyte? is also interesting. She's a just and modest girl and would probably have difficulty with accepting the praise, even if her guardians had nothing to do with it. I also like the speech pattern you gave the Al Bhed; spot-on if my memory serves me.
I like squabbling doom you call with the nervous temple attendants, and Lulu's suspicious approach.
It makes sense that something like this might have happened between FFX and X-2. Yuna isn't the mourning widow by the time of the sequel; she's absolutely reclaimed herself, but she is still essentially driven by him through much of it. She's not abandoned hope; something makes her believe he could find him again.
The ending leaves me a little unslaked (as did both games) as far the Spiran meta/physics, but that's just my curious hang-up and not an actual slight against your ending.
It's actually quite touching how she responds to Lulu, even though we saw what happened in the chamber and know it's more than that familiar platitude can explain. It's also very in character; I think many fans forget how secretive Yuna can be when she is determined. Precisely because it's not something she shares with Lulu, we can imagine the deep confidence Yuna must feel after her encounter with the fayth-spark.
Lovely piece.
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