Postcard Contest

Sep 23, 2012 22:20

Postcard Contest

For the first time, ff_eventsquare is holding a contest. Yay! For this booth, you must make a Final Fantasy-themed postcard and submit it here by Wednesday October 10. Afterward, there will be voting and extra points will be awarded to the entries that get the most votes.

Your task is to make a graphic featuring both signs of a postcard: the front (which features an image -- a place, a landmark, etc.) and the back (which features space for a written note from the sender). (Examples) Since this is a Final Fantasy-themed community, though, the postcard must feature an FF place and the note must be from an FF character (or otherwise convey the FF theme). Guests and members are all welcome to compete. :)

After the deadline, voting will be posted and last 2 days, until October 12th. Again, both guests and members are welcome to participate in voting.

Points & Gil
- Entry: 20 points
- 1st: 125 points
- 2nd: 100 points
- 3rd: 75 points
- Voting: 5 points
Gil: 100 gil for entering or voting

Wednesday October 10 @ 11:59P EDT (3:59 GMT)

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