Because you're going to like it.
Welcome to
ff_land's third event: Garden Festival II (Electric Boogaloo)!
The festivals we host at
ff_eventsquare reflect some of the members-only activities that the
ff_land community engages in: Final Fantasy-themed stamping, minigames, fanworks and even a contest this time! The event is open to everyone, even non-members, so if you enjoyed these activities and want some more, do put in an application over at
ff_classchange to join a team and get some more of this action XD
Bingo FF Voice Actors Trivia Final Fantasy Clue Postcard Contest Summon Stamping Booth Toffee's Cosplay Booth of TerrorWhat is
It's a team challenge community! Here, we are sorted into six different classes: Soldier, Dragoon, Monk, White Mage, Thief, and Black Mage. After being sorted, we help our team gain points by playing minigames, entering contests, creating fanwork, and also helping to sort new members. We typically do this for an entire "Game"; usually about three months. Right now, we're nearing the end of Game 4. Last game's winners were the awesome Team Thief!
In addition, we also form alliances. Right now, the Soldiers are allied with the Black Mages and Dragoons; while the Thieves, White Mages and Monks are allies. Last game's winning alliance was Team Holy Swords (Soldiers & White Mages)!
Sounds cool! What can I expect from this community?
Well, we're all fans of Final Fantasy, so in general you'd have someone to fangirl with xD What's more, we're kind of diverse here.. you should take a look at our
games list. ALL FINAL FANTASIES. Not just the more well-known ones, ALL OF THEM.
Getting sorted into a team with similar people is also a great way to make friends xD
I've never done this before O_O What do I do?? WHAT IF I DO IT WRONG
O_O Woah, not to worry there! Here's a guide on what to do:
1. Join and watch
ff_land and
ff_classchange! The latter community is where we stamp members into the six classes mentioned above.
2. First, to be sorted, fill out
this application (there's even a nifty little guide) ... Elaborate on your traits, strengths, and opinions on Final Fantasy so that we can help to sort you into the best matching team. When you're done, post it to
ff_classchange. Don't worry if it doesn't show up, it's just in the queue, waiting for moderation.
3. Wait to be sorted, then you'll soon be able to join your team and meet new people! After that, your new team mod should be able to answer any other questions or concerns you have.
Why is there more than one community. *peeved*
So that fanworks, contests, minigames, random discussion posts, and announcements aren't all combined into one? xD Here's a list of all the communities we have:
ff_land: The main community. Point & gil standings are posted here, along with other important announcements.
ff_classchange: The stamping community! New members are sorted here.
ultima_arena: The contest community. We have one month long contest, and four shorter ones, so typically we have two short contests during the first two weeks, and then two short contests during the last two weeks. Participating and winning these contests earn you and your team a ton of points!
ff_minigames: The minigames community... Trivia, Bingo, Pictionary and more! We typically try to run about 3 minigames at a time. A lot of the booths you'll see below are an example of minigames that we play. They're usually Final Fantasy- themed.
moogle_workshop: The fanworks community, the only other public community aside from
ff_land and
ff_classchange. Fanworks are posted here and points are gotten! We have quite a few talented members here too. It's a chance to show off your work xD Here is also where you can spend gil that you earn (gil, unlike points, are individual and based on how much you participate) to "buy" a piece of work from any one of the shops set up
here by our talented artists :D
airship_lounge: The... uh, discussion community xD Found a cool video? Share it with us! Found a neat FF-meme? Random discussion of shippings? (WE DO NOT TOLERATE BASHING. BE FOREWARNED) We'll share our opinions too!
judge_magisters: The mod community. We party here all the time, shirking all of our duties Interested in being a mod? Well, you need to be a member first xD But take a look when you are and apply :)
ff_eventsquare: OUR SHINY NEW EVENTS COMM. Events will be held here! Coming up (potentially: Halloween, Christmas, etc...) Unlike the other communities, you do not have to be a member here unless you are helping to run the event.
Lastly, we have our team communities as well, only viewable to members and allies of said team:-
mythril_swords: Team Soldier. Cloudy with a bit of Lightning
heavenly_lances: Team Dragoon. Honor, duty, and stabbing lots of holes in shit.
raging_fists: Team Monk. We like big gloves and we cannot lie
curaga_casters: Team White Mage. The duct tape of magic... holding everyone together
gil_stealers: Team Thief. We had a catchphrase, but one of us stole it
firaga_casters: Team Black Mage. Firaga: A useful solution to many of life's problems.
Right... so what's this festival about then?
This festival is a chance for non-members to participate in the games we're running. Because all the other communities are closed to members only, people who take the step to join
ff_land and
ff_classchange don't really know what to expect. Furthermore, these people usually have to wait until they're stamped before they can participate in the activities.
ff_eventsquare's events, like the Garden Festival and this holiday event, give non-members a glimpse of what to expect from
While the festival is happening, if you're interested, you can head on over and submit and application and still be able to participate in the booths below. Any points you earn will go to the team you're sorted in later. Any gil you earn, you keep for yourself (though we keep track of how much each person has). If you're a guest and you don't want to be a member, you can still participate and your points and gil will just vanish into thin air at the end of the festival. But really, you've got nothing to lose!
That's all of the information I have for you (I think...) If you have any questions, feel free to comment and ask them! Now go enjoy the event :D