New Subject!

Jan 23, 2011 00:36

The Basics:

Name: Bean
Age: 26
Location: USA
Occupation: Music teacher
How did you find out about this community? (Specify usernames if you remember them.) The FInal Fantasy Fans community.

Personality Questions:

1) List and expand upon your three best traits / strengths. (These should be personality-related, not physical.) I'm loyal to a fault with my friends. I work hard at my daily tasks and do what I can to be successful with them. I catch on to things very quickly.

2) List and expand upon your three worst traits / weaknesses. I get distracted easily by silly things, like the Internet. (Or my pet bunnies, but are bunnies ever really not worth your time?) I over analyze things and make them harder to do; for example, I make very complicated to-do lists. I have a low tolerance for Internet stupidity and wank.

3) Rate yourself on the following traits by putting an 'X' in the box you think fits best. (E.g. if you are slightly more introverted than extroverted, put an 'X' in the second box.) Explain your choice as well.

Introverted [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] Extroverted
Explain: I'm very extroverted around people I know, but not very much around people I don't know. It averages out.

Cheerful [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] Gloomy
Explain: I'm a pretty happy person, but I'm not Vanille.

Leader [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] Supportive
Explain: I try not to, but I wind up being in charge of things pretty often. It's the best way to make sure they get done.

Confident [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] Modest
Explain: I had to force myself to say three good qualities about me and force myself to not go on and on about my weaknesses. Nuff said.

Reserved [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] Impulsive
Explain: I don't make major decisions quickly. It's better to wait and see if it's what I really want. Now, if I've been planning it for a while, I go right on ahead with it.

Energetic [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] Calm
Explain: I only marked toward the calm side because I fall asleep so easily, and someone who's very energetic doesn't fall asleep like I do. I'm probably only thinking about that because I'm sleepy right now. Thanks, 12:18 AM! When I'm doing my job, I'm pretty high energy, but I feel bad for the person who's not high energy in a room full of kids.

Feminine [ ] [x] [ ] [ ] [ ] Masculine/Tomboyish
Explain: I am JUST BARELY feminine. Like, I like flowers and good smelling soap and purple. I also like video games and making computers do things and my string bass, so.

4) Describe how you typically work in teams. Is it generally a good experience, or do you prefer working by yourself? Do you like to lead and make decisions or do you prefer to let others make decisions so that you can do the legwork? You may find it helpful to give an example of a team you worked on recently and how that went. Usually, I like going it alone, but it's not always practical. Like I said, I usually wind up taking the lead in a team somehow just so I know that the work gets done. I mod a comm, and I'm learning to delegate tasks, though, just so I don't wind up running every damn swap and event. That'll sap a soul, and no one wants to hear from me that much anyway.

5) What interests/hobbies do you have? How do you like to spend your free time? I raise bunnies, play video games (duh), sew, take pictures, and collect dolls. It all sounds way girlier than it is. The sewing, dolls, and photography all tie in to one another ... but I sew things like Firefly costumes for my dolls, not pink fluffy frilly dresses.

6) Describe one to three careers you would find ideal, with a little explanation of why it appeals to you. My career is ideal! I get to play with kids all day, and I get paid for it. I work at multiple schools, so I'm like a wandering rogue fiddler or pied piper, if you will.

FF Questions:

7) List one to three favorite Final Fantasy games and why you like them. Sequels/spin-offs/non-numbered/KH/Dissidia games are okay. FF9 is my favorite! Zidane is my favorite FF character ever. The plot was light and didn't take itself too seriously, but there was still enough meat to it to make it a great story. The rest of the cast was fun too -- I particularly like Steiner and Beatrix. Totes my OTP for the longest time.

8) List one to three of your favorite Final Fantasy characters and why: Zidane is a perfect hero, strong and, err, heroic without being too EMOSRS. He's hilarious, too! I like Yuffie for a lot of the same reasons, but I don't like her as much because she's more one dimensional. Recently, I've really liked Lightening because she's a character that manages to balance badass with normal.

9) One to three characters you relate to (you may reuse answers from #8 if applicable) and why: Ummmmm. I don't know how much I relate to any of them, I don't know that a lot of them are like me. I've had people tell me I look like Rinoa, but I don't like her very much. I might go on and say Celes because she was a good leader who happened to be a musician too. :-P

10) The FF game you liked playing least: FINAL FANTASY 8. It's my most hated FF game. The battle system is stupid, the plot is even stupider. The characters are stupid. I can't believe I even beat it.

11) One to three FF characters you dislike and why: Can I say the cast of Final Fantasy 8? All of them? Fine, I'll pick Zell because he's annoying, that cowboy guy because WHY IS THERE A COWBOY, and Quistis because she added nothing to the plot.

12) Favorite weapon in a Final Fantasy game (either the name if you liked the name, or a picture if you liked the look of it, or a description if it had awesome stats/abilities): I really don't pay much attention to the weapons. I'm going to say Tidus' sword because it was watery and that made it look cool.

13) Your favorite Final Fantasy summon (e.g. Ifrit, Carbuncle, Bahamut, etc.): Carbuncle always makes me laugh because he's so little and green.

14) Your favorite spell/ability/technique that can be learned in a Final Fantasy game (e.g. Esuna, Steal, special finishes/overdrives such as Tifa's Final Heaven limit break, etc.): I liked Riku's zombie abilities in FF10. It made the game a breeze.

15) A Final Fantasy mini-game/sidequest you invested entirely too much time into: Chocobo racing in FF7. I wanted to see all the colors of chocobo. That track has ALL THE COLORS EVER on it.

16) Your favorite Cid: FF7's. DRINK YOUR GOD DAMN TEA!

17) Optional: Up to one class you think does not fit you, with reasoning why. I don't think I've got the crazy mad skills to be a monk.

stamped: white mage

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