[Classchange App, Go!] Name: Alkonost Storm Age: 24 Location: Guaynabo, Puerto Rico How did you find out about this community: Toffethesnob
1) List and expand upon your three best traits / strengths.
I can be really creative; when I'm really into an rp I'm planning brainstorming can be taken UP TO ELEVEN simply because I start planning out scenes for the midway or even endpoint of the rp when it's barely even started. This also applies to fanfics and stories. (Both Rai and Toff can vouch for me on these counts >>)
Second when I'm really motivated and put my mind to it I put in more effort.
I also try to keep an open mind and try to get more perspective when it comes to a problem.
2) List and expand upon your three worst traits / weaknesses.
I'm really REALLY hard on myself.
To the point there's been times I have thought it wouldn't be such a bad thing if I died young. It doesn't mean I'll kill myself when it comes down to it--too much of a coward to take my life--but it's crossed my mind (the dying early part, not suicide).
I can also be really lazy...I can safely say that I'm close to the Brilliant but lazy trope.
And it might be related to the first one but I don't value myself very much either.
3) Rate yourself on the following traits by putting an 'X' in the box you think fits best. (E.g. if you are slightly more introverted than extroverted, put an 'X' in the second box.) Explain your choice as well.
Introverted [] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] Extroverted
I'm shy around newcomers but more relaxed around people I know, and even more relaxed around people who share the same/similar interests as me. Likely why I feel at ease talking to what most would consider strangers since they're on the internet but to me can sometimes feel like a family, depending on how long I've known them.
Cheerful [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] Gloomy
It really depends on the current mood as well as how my day has been, and in reaction to the day's events. There will be days where I feel peachy and awesome and then there will be days where I'll be paying tribute to the "I HATE MYSELF" ballad.
Reserved [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] Impulsive
I think it would depend on the circumstances but for the most part I try NOT to be impulsive. Key word: Try.
Energetic [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] Calm
I have my energetic moments. These energetic moments usually involve fangirling or a happy mood.
I hate to be repeating myself a lot but it depends on what I'm looking at...I've been known to apply logic to even the most inane ridiculous things, even in situations where logic really has no place like yaoi or Hatoful Boyfriend.
Grudge-holding [ ] [ ] [x] [] [ ] Forgiving
Usually I like to forget and forgive but every now and then there will be situations where I find can't simply do that and go my own way. One particular situation that comes to mind was this guy I had a short-online relationship with. I took it really hard because he dumped me on Valentine's day (then seemed to make it seem like he wasn't the one with problems here) despite claiming that he was mindful of people's feelings and whatever. I admit that I rushed into the online relationship but I kept hoping that despite that, things would work out. Goddess knows I was willing to commit despite the challenges. And then after that drama, we stopped talking. It was understandable, as I couldn't bear to chat with him without feeling RAGE bubbling up within me for a while but then after one particular conversation where we agreed to at least try and stay friends he still didn't talk to me and when I did make the effort, the conversation didn't keep up for very long. "Somebody that I used to know" was suddenly a song I identified with: I was suddenly a stranger where before I was not. In the end, I've blocked him from Skype and decided to be strangers with him in turn but I'm not sure I'll ever let go of this grudge.
4) Describe how you typically work in teams. Is it generally a good experience, or do you prefer working by yourself? Do you like to lead and make decisions or do you prefer to let others make decisions so that you can do the legwork? You may find it helpful to give an example of a team you worked on recently and how that went
I prefer to work by myself. That said if I really like the people I'm working with I may be more motivated to put in an effort. Sadly no examples at the moment.
5) Spider-Man Decision: If you had to choose between saving two dozen innocent children and saving your best friend/significant other/person closest to you, which would you pick and why?
I'd do what I could to save everyone....but if it was a situation where I was forced to choose, it'd be the children. Examples: Me taking the paragon routes in Mass Effect 2 and 3 and going for the ideal, diplomatic routes in Dragon Age: Origins and 2. If it was possible and I had the means, I'd do what I can to save both the children and my loved ones.
6) Your friend has had their feelings hurt and comes to you for consolation. What do you do? Let's say, two days later they come to you again still upset over the same issue. What would you do in that case?
I'd help them out, I'd give them advice and so on. I'd support them however I could. Admittedly, my patience would be thinned if it turned out they were fishing for sympathy... Also it would depend on what's bothering them too.
7) What interests/hobbies do you have? How do you like to spend your free time?
Reading, Video games, Internet, Singing, Roleplaying. I also really like history. Not neccesarily in that order.
8) Describe one to three careers you would find ideal, with a little explanation of why it appeals to you.
Researching history. I've always been fascinated by it and by doing that I'd get to learn more. I'm also interested in trying my hand at voiceacting and maybe being in the writing department for a videogame. Being a writer would also be a viable option if not for me lacking a drive.
FF Questions:
9) List one to three favorite Final Fantasy games and why you like them. Sequels/spin-offs/non-numbered/KH/Dissidia games are okay.
VIII. It was my very first FF game. The only issue I have with it is...the battle system. And the card game. Otherwise, I enjoyed the story, the characters and the world. Admittedly the subtleties within the plot and setting were ones I couldn't fully appreciate until I was older. FFIX is another game I love and was the first FF I actually beat. Again I really enjoyed this game, though I have to admit one of my more favorite parts (in addition to characters, story and battle system) was the locales. Some of the places you visit had a charm and personality that was all theirs. I remember thinking I would have loved to visit places like Burmecia, Cleyra and Daguerreo. I also enjoyed XIII's story and characters. My only gripe with the gameplay was the rising cost of CP and the expenses in upgrading weapons. VIII had a similar system but it wasn't this expensive! Cheating but another game I've enjoyed (though not beaten) is XII. I had problems getting the gambit system and unfortunately the characters I liked to use were a bit on the squishy side but the world was so rich and fun to explore. As for the plot, despite its strong similarity to Star Wars, I think it beats that in moral ambiguity. I also loved how there were so many variants of one monster in the bestiary.
10) List one to three of your favorite Final Fantasy characters and why:
Leon (II): Granted, a lot of my appreciation for this character mainly stems from his Ascended extra status in a DDFF rp I'm doing with Railenthe (currently on-going though on hold since we needed a break from all the dark, SRS BSNS stuff). Ever since his joining the roster for the rp and subsequent character development afterwards, I've found it very sad and disappointing that he doesn't get much love from Square; it's a shame because his character is simply LOADED with writing potential. Genesis Rhapsodos (CC): I admit it was intially for the pretty visuals and audio but he won me over with how his story develops. Granted I don't like how it's downplayed that the soldiers who deserted with him are simply used and discarded but given what he was going through at the time, I could understand if he wasn't up to being a Father to His Men. I also found him so much more approachable than Sephiroth. Oerba Yun Fang(XIII): Admittedly part of what got me attached was her interaction with Lightning, especially how she wasn't so intimidated or in awe of her like some of the others. I also loved how she was a foil to Lightning, namely in that she was more casual in her approach to things while Lightning was more business-like. Lightning: I liked her from the beginning. Though I admit that one of the parts that impressed me the most was how different she turned out from Cloud.
11) One to three characters you relate to (you may reuse answers from #8 if applicable) and why:
Squall I guess, mainly because he seems like he'd be very socially awkward and I'm like that myself at times.
12) The FF game you liked playing least:
....None come to mind XP
13) One to three FF characters you dislike and why:
Well for a time I disliked Sephiroth due to some experiences with a former friend that was a fan of his, which ruined the character for me. Fortunately I've started to like him again though it would not be to the same degree as before. However the characters that currently have earned my dislike are Cloud Strife (and then mostly because of his characterization from Advent Children and onward) and Barthandelus because of what happens between him and the protagonists in XIII. Hojo is another and you all should know why there. Jihl Nabaat was one character I LOATHED in XIII but since XIII-2 she's grown on me. Another character I disliked in the beginning was Snow (I still do to some extent) but he gets some respect for trying to stay upbeat throughout all the stuff that gets thrown at the party.
14) Favorite weapon in a Final Fantasy game (either the name if you liked the name, or a picture if you liked the look of it, or a description if it had awesome stats/abilities):
For aethetics, the Save the Queen from IX, Angel Wing from VIII and the Mythril weapons from IX. Attack wise...I loved Zidane's polearms and the rackets. And while I didn't like the character that much, I liked the concept for Snow's weapon.
15) Your favorite Final Fantasy summon (e.g. Ifrit, Carbuncle, Bahamut, etc.):
FFIX!Bahamut. Also while he wasn't playable, FFIX!Alexander. Also liked the look of FFIX!Leviathan. Favorite Ice summon is FFX!Shiva and the Shiva sisters from XIII. ACTUALLY I LIKED WHAT THEY DID WITH ALL THE XIII SUMMONS (THOUGH MY FAVORITES WERE BAHAMUT, ODIN AND SHIVA SISTERS) Oh and Bahamut Fury SATELLITE DRAGON. YEEEESH
16) Your favorite spell/ability/technique that can be learned in a Final Fantasy game (e.g. Esuna, Steal, special finishes/overdrives such as Tifa's Final Heaven limit break, etc.):
One Man army is all that comes to mind right now.
17) A Final Fantasy mini-game/sidequest you invested entirely too much time into:
19) Optional: Up to one class you think does not fit you, with reasoning why.
White Mage. I'm not sure I'd be cut out for trying to dissolve every single conflict in a party or keeping it together. Gameplay-wise, I also favor more offensive roles.