Our first sorting of Game 3! Please welcome the newest member of team...
fromherashes As many of you know, our main source of new members has recently closed down, and it's not surprising that there's a lack of applications in the queue as a result. If you know anyone who is even mildly interested in FF, try to pass the word of
ff_land around! For the socialization and puzzles and other aspects that don't require a lot of FF knowledge to get involved in, if nothing else, as everyone has to start somewhere.
(Everyone gets 100 gil)
Black Mages: 40 points
etsplanations 10 points
panda3035 10 points
sunflower_mynah 10 points
the_404_error 10 points
Dragoons: 20 points
regann 10 points
the_cosmos_girl 10 points
Monks: 20 points
deadcellredux 10 points
lightofeilia 10 points
Soldiers: 20 points
Breyzy (
breyzyyin) 10 points
rayiroth 10 points
Thieves: 30 points
haryan 10 points
hilian 10 points
sai_salamander 10 points
White Mages: 30 points
northstarroad 10 points
mako_lies 10 points
Yin (
breyzyyin) 10 points
chacusha 80 points
Let me know if you see any mistakes especially since I'm really rushed.