Week 165: Lyrical - "Cannonball" Results

Mar 30, 2008 21:56

Thank you voters, especially those of you who had to vote twice. Again, I apologize for all the inconveniences with voting, and I do appreciate you guys putting up with it. If you ever notice that a certain icon simply refuses to load, please let me know right away! And now, onto the results!

First: ryfee

Second: fantomu

Third: whispyr

Mod's Choice: fantasia0829

I love what you've done with the text! It actually looks engraved into the sword! ♥

Congrats winners!
Bannermaker this week will be fantomu (I'll make your banner).

No runner ups this week due to a huge number of ties!

One more thing I want to address. This community is fantastic with participation and we usually get plenty of votes; however, we also get ties pretty often. While I'd like to avoid getting ties every other week, I don't like breaking them myself due to the obvious issue with biases. And so, from now on, ties will be broken according to who voted and who didn't. While this doesn't entirely eliminate the possibility of ties, it should motivate all submitters to vote for the most part (I understand real life calls and you guys won't always be able to), which would create a more even ground for the participants. In the event that a tie cannot be broken, I'll simply forfeit the Mod's Choice as before.

Also, if you have any ideas for ff_awards' birthday (which I mentioned in the voting post, feel free to continue to submit them in this post or in the new submission post! So far I've received some consent for the friending meme as well as an idea for a theme; if there are any ideas you like, go ahead and second them!

Week 166 has already been posted here, so don't forget to submit!

announcements, results, week 165

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