
Oct 15, 2007 22:05

Hi there~! Allow me to introduce myself.

I'm dothacker_kite, Kite for short amongst friends and the net. I'm one of the two mods of pokemon_awards and since recently a ff8_awards with posting access. (If only I could make a new userinfo layout ^^;)
Anyway... As my view on FF8; I finished FF8 not too long ago (yeh, took me a while ^^;)

Nice to meet you all and let's hope for many icons to come~!


Now, after the introduction, down to the point...


Don't believe me? See for yourself! Wait... you can't >< Well, just take my word on this one.

As a reminder, the current theme is Guardian Force. You know what those are. Shiva and Leviathan have always been my favourites. And Diablos kicked some ass at times ^^
The icons were due by 8pm on Friday September 14th GMT, but I'm postponing it to *drum roll* Saturday 27th of October, 12 PM GMT+1~!!

You may have thought the comm was dead, but whe're not even close to it! Not on my watch! So get your Limit Breaks ready and have a blast making icons ^_^


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