So yeah. We survived what was probably a tornado. Weather officials didn't confirm anything, but they are going to be looking into it tomorrow. We had a tornado warning, and I know what I saw! I was in the basement, shaking and crying, while Charlie was hugging me saying "It's going to be ok baby." Then everything got super quiet..then it started raining, then I couldn't see anything out of the window, only grey clouds, I started to hear "boom, crash bang!" Outside....then nothing again, it was like 5 seconds long. We walked outside, and there were trees down all over my yard I have to clean this up. Tree removal guys won't be cheap...
I have no power, the trees ripped down my power line. I am at my mom's house now. Right now, me and Charlie are just happy, we're safe, the house wasn't damaged, we just have to pay for the tree removal and we apparently have to hire an electrician to fix our power line, now where it connects is damaged? So yay! My furnace dies in winter and my electric gets screwed in summer. Expenses all year round! X_X