Nature of the Summons

Feb 21, 2009 22:20

I was wondering what people think of the summons in FFVII. In most other FF games, they get their own background history and they're frequently important to the plot as well. In FFVII... zilch. They don't even get a proper name. They're just sort of... there.

So what do you think the summons are? Ancient gods? Beings of magic? Spirits? Do they serve willingly, or do they have no choice in the matter? Are they even conscious, or are they just spells given a lifelike form? Do they have any existence separate from the times they're being summoned?

Myself, I quite like the idea that they're ancient souls from the Lifestream. They used to be people, and now their spirits are trapped inside materia. Perhaps they gave themselves willingly, and they're meant to be summoned to defend the planet.

This is all speculation, I know, but it's fun to speculate. XD

theories, discussion

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