This is going to be a very biased recommendation. I approached (secretlytodream) on Tumblr for a vid commission, having seen her gorgeous Marvel vids especially the Steve/Bucky ones. She agreed despite not having created an anime/video game vid before, which I thought was brave of her.
What ensued were my attempts to explain the very complicated nature of the FFVII Compilation Verse and specifically how it all related to Cloud Strife: the vid is a character study of Cloud entwined with the history of the three most important people to him and who shaped him into the man he is in FFVII: Advent Children. The collaboration involved a lot of back and forth with me trying not to sound like a demanding fangirl and (secretlytodream) patiently trying to fit it all into a vid with her expertise. She did an outstanding job on the vid and I urge you all to go see it if you're an FFVII fan^_^