I have a couple of photos from the recent Acen to share with you. I'll stick them under a cut so it isn't such a large post.
I shared a table with two other talented artists.
http://kiralachan.deviantart.com/ sold posters of her very popular Sora Anti-Form picture, which got a lot of attention, and also had prints of her insanely complicated pieces for her Illustration portfolio.
The Lightning in the far left is another one of my tablemates, who made the cactuar and moogle hats. Be jealous! As a rule, hats never fit me, but the cactuar I wore during the last day to promote her hats fit so well, I didn't want to take it off. It was even big enough that I could make it cover my ears, a big plus in the winter. And, AND, the little head hairs are made out of pipe cleaners. Adorable!
Another friend had a small corner of my spot where she sold Avatar magnets and stuff, as can be seen right below my chocobos.
Another view of the same. Note the ethnic diversity of my birds. So diverse! Not pictured is the black ones, which are pretty tricky to make. I didn't have a good way to mark the pieces of black fabric, so sewing them was kind of a hit-or-miss thing. Together my mom and I sewed 57 birds, but only 3 were black. I guess they really are the rarest. They were made with flappable wings so they can fly. Next year maybe I'll make the black chocobos purple, like in the games.
The Tenth Doctor. I loudly (and awkwardly) screamed this man's name as he passed our table, and got to hug him and ask about his TARDIS. He was very obliging (now that I think about it, he looks familiar... I may have seen him at a previous year's Acen). I didn't bring a camera to this year's convention, so all these photos were taken by my tablemate "Lightning". (Thanks, man!) I'll admit, though, I didn't see nearly as many FF6 cosplayers as I saw last year. Maybe I wasn't looking in the right places?
Also, someone wrote a News Article on Deviantart that has a
link to my birds (scroll down almost to the bottom)
And that's it for this year. Thanks again to everyone who stopped by.