So, this week I was clever enough to forget my own sequence of pages. I had meant to include a "meanwhile" page after the cave scene, so as I said on the website, I added the new page 133 to the archives.
It was the reader TLU who had the idea to return to Kefka after the big escape scene and make a connection to Celes' treason with South Figaro's invasion. As is typical of sore losers, he puts a spin on the Figaro confrontation to make him look like the victim and Figaro the aggressors. On top of that, he looks for a scapegoat to blame for sending him on the mission on the first place. In this page, I imagine that Kefka has probably overheard Celes voice some doubts about the morality of the Empire's aggressive campaign, and now intends to reveal her to the Emperor.
This is my explanation for how Celes is found captive in a recently occupied city. I guess she was probably allowed to invade and subdue the city first, but was then arrested and jailed.
Down here is TLU's rough sketch of the page. I borrowed some poses for some of my panels, and rearranged a few things. TLU is the best when it comes to expression and gestures. Anyway, here is.