ok... so... i am awake again and after recieving a beautiful letter from
firefaerybeene (thanks bay) i checked my bank balence... BIG MISTAKE!!!! ok... so now I am REALLY down and wanting to cry... i'm going to have to borrow moeny again this month and this was supposed to be an easy month... *sigh*
I am surrounded by such beauty adn such good friends.. last night my roommate had a bar-b-q that started about 7:30pm and didn't really end till 1am.
thegeisha showed up about 10ish and then
narniatw and
katiekay showed up about 11:30ish and lasty Geisha's man show up after 12 when he got off from work. It was great to have all the people around me... Narniatw used to be a roommate of mine and a fellow inmate of the Earthlink Asylum... He as since jetted from earthlink to some other equally crazy and unsecure perch in the tech industry, but I still think of him as one of my best friends. I have only met katiekay a few times but she has always been nice and it looks like the 5 of us are gonna start up a RPG i have never played before called "Tales from the FLoating Vagabond"... its totally crazy and looks like its going to be great fun.
So in the middle of my funk I get an IM from
nuclearbastard (i wonder how many LJ friends i can fit into one entry :P ) who want to go see Anger Managment as a form of therapy... what follows is the conversation:
NB: So what was the eventual verdict on the BBQ possibilitah
fezickthebig: you were offering to bring meat?
tongarob: sure
fezickthebig: cause I am broka
NB: I can probably accomodate
fezickthebig: i cant go... but bar-b-q afterward is cool.
NB: Why not??
fezickthebig: mo monay
NB: That is not an issue
fezickthebig: I cant afford tickets.
NB: Trust me... that is not an issue
fezickthebig: *sigh*
fezickthebig: you are too good to me.
NB: Just remember... you're my bitch
fezickthebig: lol.... yes, my master.
fezickthebig: so what showing did you want to go to?
NB: 940
fezickthebig: ok... cool... you picking me up?
NB: Yeah
fezickthebig: ok... see you then... and a bar-b-q afterward
NB: Word
fezickthebig: cool
fezickthebig: but I have to warn you
fezickthebig: i'm quite depressed today.
NB: Oh whatever
NB: That is what this movie and the friends are for man
Do my friends rock or what (sadly I just found out that
lyricaldanichan wont be in attendence at tonights event *sigh*)... and I sit here crying while I type this... I guess it's time to go back to the shrinker. *BIG SIGH*
So with all this cloudy bullshit: money problems, sister how wont talk to me because she thinks she owes me money, and an ailing mother; I have a silver lineing in my life: my friends and My new friend Beene who is anchoring my soul right now. She is the best... the most wonderful amazeing person I know and she new me before we met... and I knew her. Lets just say it was odd. ;-)
Well... now that I have typed all this out I am feeling less depressed... I warned you all... here you will find the ramblings of a lunitic wookie.
Love you all