May 14, 2003 02:38
w00T and DOUBLE w00T!!!!
Welcome one and all to the first installment to Fezick's World. Fezick (thats me, is also referred to as Wookie by people who are currently being suspended over his head) will be your host on the undoubtedly be a frightning trip into the warped psyche of... ME!
This post also serves as a test to allow me to experiment with different custom settings.
If any of you some day wish to place blame or give thinks to the people that brought this debacle to fruition then you would want to target Lyrical Dani-chan who actully offered to help me get set up and The Geisha who told me that even if I only posted a bit at first that it would soon become an obsession... and as I didn't have quite enough of those in my life yet. ;)
SO here we are... Rock on.