May 20, 2004 13:37
Dear Lord,
I come before you now with honor and praise
I have seen what you have done in me and I am amazed
You have been my father guiding my path
the narrow path of rightousness is that path
holding my hands teaching me how to walk
catching me when i stumbel, when i fall, when i stop
Sometimes i felt as if you were never there
but that lie is gone for you are here
So now i pray as i start this new life
that you will be there for every step, every breath, every momment of my life
Teach me to be strong , teach me to be wise
let not my will be done but yours for you are the light
So here I am with out streched hands, take me and mold me, do with me what you want
For i cant do this with out you lord, i am your servant
I thank you oh god for what you have done
For it's by your grace I am saved
From: your son