It's baaack

Mar 22, 2003 03:02

So you know how I used to be terribly allergic to tickling? How Jonathan would wriggle his fingers and reduce me to a taking a fetal position on the floor? And then how I magically stopped being ticklish (or maybe folks magically stopped tickling me) for a long period of time? Well, we've discovered that Tierney has dragged my source of woe and misery up from the dead. I am powerless against her pokes with a pen and wriggles of fingers. Oy. What have I gotten myself into? ;-)

Naw--it's all in good fun. In great fun actually--I had a blast tonight. Went to dinner with Tierney, Karen, Abhijit, and George (and various others, who sat at a nearby table). T'was good until I was asked to make a ruling. In the end, I gave two possible outcomes: I would dismiss the case on the grounds of prosecutorial misconduct (i.e. the prosecution hit on the judge repetedly and acted in other reprehensible ways while court was in session), or I would find Tierney guilty (seeing has how all the evidence really was against her) and hold George in contempt of court--his punishment being he would have to wear pink for ten days. George decided to go for the former--not accepting any punishment. And I think I did the right thing. I just hope George doesn't take it too personally. What started out as being "all in good fun" may have turned out to be a bit more "official." And, while of course I could never find Tierney guilty (she really did not deserve such a harsh verdict as what she would have gotten), I do feel badly about ruling against George. He had such high hopes of validation.

After dinner, Tierney, Karen and I went for a walk through the gardens. T'was the first time I'd ever been in them--day or night--and I must say, they are magical. I plan to return tomorrow or Sunday. We wandered around for a bit more, looking for magical flowers and plants (some of which I could actually smell!), then parted ways at the bus stop. Karen went to visit a friend for an hour, while Tierney and I went to play pool. Y'all will be proud of me. All those hundreds of games at Andy's paid off--I hustled her so bad!....Well, ok, maybe not so much. In fact, those three or four "games" at Andy's house did not pay off except to allow me to show off my semi-knowledge of South African rules. Though, I did manage to beat Tierney--by one ball. I love luck!

Karen re-joined us an hour later, as did Abhijit (her boyfiend), and a couple other ATHers. We then did the oddest thing--we wandered around both the Biology and the Physics buildings for about forty-five minutes. Who knows how we managed to spend forty-five minutes wandering around empty buildings. But I must say, t'was a blast! Some of my best memories from high school are working with crew at ten o'clock at night, wandering about the halls of SHS. This was quite like that, except a little more disturbing (because adventurous--or insane, depending on your point of view--Tierney wanted to press every "button" she saw, preying on my goody-goody fears of getting into trouble). I like living dangerously! ;-)

The night did not end there. Oh no. The craziest was yet to come. Karen and Abhijit went home at that point, but Tierney and I went to see Freewater's midnight film: _Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas_ (damn this funny type that doesn't allow underlines!). I don't know if any of you have seen it, but essentially, the whole movie boils down to two words: acid trip. The plot, characters, dialogue, setting, and overall effect: acid trip. Woah. Woah. And woah. I do recommend watching this movie, but perhaps not when you are high.

Alrighty, that's enough for now. I've *got* to get to sleep. But one more bit of good news: the girl who drives me to and from the barn on Fridays drives one of those cars where the top goes down (like the one Andy drives, but not red). The way home from the barn was stunning--sunny and warm--and we drove the long, scenic route back to school with the top down. It was like heaven. The only thing that's come close to the beauty of that wind was the boat from Cape Cod to Nantucket that went forty miles an hour. Now that was heaven.

I love you.

p.s. I've got so many moods, but they'll have to be summed up as:
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