Be Afraid

Jun 27, 2005 16:58

While on break at work, another student worker asked me about the shirt I was wearing. The shirt was one of the ones Resident Life gave out during room draw last year (stupid Res life). I started to explain Res life, and room draw which of course lead to social clubs. She wanted to know more about the social clubs. Since she's from France I had a lot of explaining. I told her about big sisters and the normal going ons of social clubs.

After the whole conversation was over and I went back to working (funny I can think and work at the same time)I started thinking about what I had said about school. I love the idea that after pledging a social club with someone you learn so much about them (and even some things you didn't want to know). I stand in awe at how a club can match up a pledge with an alum that we (the club) haven't seen in years. I was one of those pledges. I am the wonderful Cera's little and I find it interesting that we were matched perfectly. Everyday (almost) I find something new about my big, and just about every time it's something we have in common. Since reading my big's second LJ, I've started to feel even closer to her than I did before. I'm grateful that we share so much in common, and I know that if I need anyone to talk to about absolutely ANYTHING, she'll listen.

I guess this whole post is just to let my friends in Rogue, and especially my big, know that I love them all and miss them dearly.

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