Thanks, Kayla!

Mar 21, 2006 19:18

1. What does your Livejournal name mean?
Fey is an Irish word for psychic or fairy-like...and goddess...well, of course. ;o)

2. Elaborate on your default photo?

3. Make up a question.
Should I go for my MLS?

4. What's your current relationship status?
Single, single, single. I probably wouldn't be if Katrina hadn't hit, though...but que sera.

5. What EXACTLY are you wearing right now?
Tinkerbell pj capris, a white t-shirt, a purple thong, and my glasses.

6. What is your current problem?
Umm...things are going well for now...just waiting for that first paycheck to kick in, you know?

7. What do you love most?
I don't know...isn't that sad? Probably friends and family, though...and my kitties.

8. What makes you most happy?
Guacamole...and pretty shoes.

9. Are you musically inclined?
Yeah...I sing, play piano, and was learning guitar at one point.

10. If you could go back in time, and change something, what would you change?
Nothing...I wish Katrina hadn't happened, but that's not in my power. I also know that all of the experiences I've had make the person I am now...and I kinda like that person.

11. If you MUST be an animal for ONE day, what would you be?
Maybe a bird...flying would be cool.

12. Ever have a near death experience?
Hahahahaha...a couple. Not counting the flood...there was the time I almost stepped off a curb and into a bus (Julia saved me, thankfully).

13. Name an obvious quality you have.
I don't know...people think I'm sweet...but I only think that's because they don't really know me.

14. What's the name of the song that's stuck in your head right now?
It doesn't have a name..."Upset stomach...sour stomach...heartburn, acid Children's Pepto..."

15. Who did you cut and paste this from?

16. Name someone with the same birthday as you.
Patty Hearst, Cindy Crawford, John Battaglia.

17. Have you ever vandalized someone's private property?

18. Have you ever been in a fight?
Verbal altercations, yes.

19. Have you ever sung in front of a large audience?
A couple of times

20. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
Eyes and hair.

21. What do you usually order from Starbucks?
Don't really go to Starbucks...last time I was there, an herbal tea of some sort.

Where are 22&23?

24. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity?
Yes...Shirley Temple...and once Stephanie Zimbalist. The night of my sr prom, a drunk guy said I looked like Hillary Swank...I didn't like that one so much.

25. Do you still watch kiddy movies or TV shows?
Sometimes...Koshka really likes Elmo.

26. Did you have braces?
Ugh, don't remind me.

27. Are you comfortable with your height?
I love it...I'm just tall enough to function without help most of the time...but short enough to be cute. lol

28. What is the most romantic thing someone has ever done for you?
Alex used to walk from Harahan to Loyola to see me every weekend. That was sweet.

29. Do you speak any other languages?
Umm...some Spanish...some Russian. I can read and write Latin...but I don't think speak is the right word...since it's pretty much dead.

30. Do you have a crush on someone on your livejournal?
I did, once upon a time...but it ended rather badly.
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