Title: Flight
Author: Feygan
Fandom: Batman
Pairing: Nigma/Crane, slash
Main Characters: Edward Nigma, Jonathan Crane
An unexpected phone call at two in the morning. Very few people would try to reach Jonathan Crane without some warning, as there was a real possibility of getting a face full of the Scarecrow's fear toxin in retaliation for the rude wake up call.
But it was Jonathan fully in charge once he realized that the gasping voice belonged to Edward Nigma. He forced the Scarecrow down deep and listened in growing concern as Edward outlined his current predicament. How the man had gotten his phone number was not something he questioned--it was the Riddler after all.
"Tell me where you are," he ordered.
There was a worryingly long moment of silence. Then Edward rattled off an address followed by a "Hurry" before hanging up.
Ignoring Scarecrow's dark mutters about setups and betrayal, Jonathan dressed and gathered a few supplies.
It had been years since his medical rotation, but he'd had plenty of practice in recent years. Very few people wanted to give themself over to his care--afraid of what the legendary Master of Fear would do--but he'd handled his own wounds and those of his henchmen.
With his medical bag taking up the passenger seat, he drove to the semi-questionable neighborhood where Edward was holed up.
He wasn't impressed by what he saw, but considering some of his own bases of operation he chose to withhold opinion. Until he used the security code Edward had given him on the keypad and got inside. It was then that he decided the way Edward was living was sad.
Darkness was the first thing he saw. He fumbled his flashlight keychain out of his pocket and clicked it on. There still wasn't much to see, just stacks of cardboard boxes printed with the logo of a popular moving company. Jonathan restrained his natural curiosity--Edward could be dying while he dallied.
He wandered through the maze of boxes until he found the door to Edward's room. It took a second code to unlock it.
He drew in a deep breath before turning the knob and pushing the door open. Light flooded out. He tucked his keychain back in his pocket.
"Edward? It is I, Jonathan."
He paused at the threshold, caution telling him this was the perfect position to be shot in.
At least I won't see it coming, he thought, squinting against the light.
It took a few seconds for his eyes to adjust. And when they did, he let out a startled cry and ran toward the bed. "Oh good heavens. Are you all right?"
Jonathan tried to keep himself under control as he opened his medical bag and set to work. He kept up a low murmur of soothing dialogue, saying anything that came to mind. He couldn't let his hands shake as he sliced his scalpel through the taut and swollen skin.
Though he had not been prepared to perform surgery, he didn't allow himself to hesitate. Edward was depending on him.
"I will save your life," Jonathan said to Edward's unresponsive form. He could feel the life rushing warm around his gloved fingers as he sutured lacerated tissue and used a syringe to remove the excess blood filling Edward's abdomen.
He ignored his own sense of worry as he worked. Once Edward was awake Jonathan would find out what had happened to him.