Apr 30, 2015 03:25

Title: Little Bit Strange, But Still Special
Author: Feygan
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Anita Blake
Pairing: Xander/Spike
Genre: slash, urban fantasy, crossover
Rating: mature
Blurb: Xander and Spike end up in the Anita-verse where they have to hide themselves and fit in. It does not go well.

Sensing that Spike was about to go for the gold medal in the Irritation Olympics, Xander touched his back. Nothing violent in the gesture, just an 'I'm here. You don't have to bring on the bravado' hand against the knobs of his spine.

Spike glanced at him over his shoulder, then quirked his lips a little and relaxed. "No need for a pissing contest, luv. No one's saying you're not the alphaest woman around. It was just a little harmless observation, that's all."

From the thoughtful glance Jean-Claude and Asher shared, Xander had a feeling that Spike had started a trouble that was going to linger. Because if there was one thing that could always be counted on, it was that Spike had a gift for sowing chaos and discord wherever he went. A few seemingly casual observations in Spike's devil smooth voice, and a week or a month or a year later there was a mad scramble to pick up all the scattered pieces.

A few minutes in Anita Blake's company and Xander could tell there was a mess of pieces ready to fall. It was glaringly obvious that she was no Buffy, able to count on her friends because she was strong enough to stand alone. No, Anita was in desperate need of other people in her life, people willing to act as the sacrifices she refused to make.

What might have been mistaken as strength, Xander saw as brittleness. It made him pity anyone that counted on her protection, because when she finally failed it wouldn't be her that paid the price.

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore" was a good concept, except Anita had gathered together a group of people that were at the lowest point in their lives and made them dependent on her. Unable to stand alone, kept weak and needy, they would be ground to nothing when Anita finally lost one of her ridiculous feuds.

He didn't need to be a Seer to recognize the disaster in the making. All of the portents were painfully clear to someone with even a passing acquaintance with prophecies and how they worked. It was only a matter of time before events would fall into place and the city of St Louis would end up a battlefield.

There was a mess waiting to happen, and there was nothing he could do about it. He only had to see the aggressive lines to Anita's body to know that she would refuse any help he offered. Because if he and Spike didn't kowtow to her greatness she could never accept them as allies or anything else. It was all or nothing with her.

The city will burn, he thought. He just hoped that he and Spike were far enough away that they didn't burn with it.

Xander flattened his hand against Spike's back. "No offense meant, but we haven't done anything, so uh, you know, there's no reason to kill us."

"You haven't done anything," Anita said, "really? You've been in our territory for years, hiding away in secret, lying about who and what you are. If you're so innocent, then why would you hide?"

Spike answered before Xander could find the words: "Because neither of us was looking to get shot when we turned down a trip to Anita-land. We wouldn't have sex with you no matter how you asked," he clarified needlessly.

Xander groaned and hid his face against Spike's back. "Of course you would say that."

Of the two of them, Spike was the one that could shrug off bullets, which was why Xander would use him as a shield if Anita started blasting. If he was lucky the bullets wouldn't go through Spike and stick in his own more tender flesh, because demonic nature or not, he wasn't looking to get shot for something Spike said.


slash, little bit strange but still special, anita blake, spike, crossover, xander harris, buffy the vampire slayer, lbsbss, spike/xander

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