Yeah, no.

Feb 27, 2013 20:38

No, I will not join your Street Team and I don't know why you keep asking me :/

If you don't know what a street team is, it's "a term used in marketing to describe a group of people who 'hit the streets' promoting an event or a product." Basically, you pick some people and they go pimp your shit for you in return for free books/movies/shoes/whatever and all kinds of promo goods. Which can be awesome for you and your product, but kind of terrible for anyone in your friend's circle as they keep getting pinged to volunteer to help you or ad spammed if you have shared followers or whatever.

So when some author I know gets a street team going, all of a sudden my Twitter and my Facebook are flooded with shout outs for the same book because of follower overlap. I don't really mind and I tend to ignore it as something not for me, but it does become obnoxious when the same writer asks me over and over again on Facebook to Like this or that book or asks/begs me to join their street team every time I log in.

To be honest, if I was into the whole street team thing, I would arrange one of my own rather than joining someone else's.

please stop asking me, wtf

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