itachimusume, I have to admit, I love Hard Gay. I watched some today for the first time and it was hilarious. J made me stop cause he didn't want to see anymore. Also, I bought some new beads and stuff, I got some that you would love. Cute things! CUTE! Hmmm...I have a cellphone don't I? I should use it and call you. Yes I should.
I bought a waffle iron off amazon. I crave waffles. You have no idea how difficult it was to choose between a regular waffle iron and the hello kitty one that makes four smaller, individual kitty waffles. In the end, I chose the regular waffle iron, as I already have a kitty toaster, and too much kitty may give people the wrong idea. Plus, that's totally something I'll find cheap on craigslist one of these days, much as I found the toaster.
Samurai Fiction is pretty good. We were supposed to get A Scanner Darkly, but somebody switched the dvds. Ah well, SF was in my queue anyway. Librarian 2 wasn't bad, but the first one was definitely better. Gymkata is now on dvd. I do believe it is one of the worst films ever and I absolutely adore it. It transcends "so bad it's good." It's so bad, it's fucking epic. I await its arrival with glee.
William Gibson's new book now has a cover. That means, sometime this year, it will prolly be for sale. I am excited. I think I look forward to this more than the 7th book, as JKR has the unappealing tendency to set me with a good book and then completely let me down in the next. Damn her for that. Gibson has only let me down in the Difference Engine, which to be fair, he co-wrote. So that wasn't entirely his fault.
George has resigned from CASOS. His last day is the 16th. While I am overjoyed for him, I am now responsible his work on the website, which is teh suck. I need to get out of this job. Maybe I should start checking out other places too.
The 18th is Chinese New Year I think. Time again to make gau and chow mein and other yummies. Awesome!
Oh, J and I have gotten Pinky to catch balls under very special circumstances. Still, he can catch! He's not entirely incompetent! Yay!
Damn I have to write a pseudo-paper tomorrow. How annoying.
The current temperature outside is 3 degrees fahrenheit. I do not want to go to work tomorrow. I am sad. Apparently Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow this year, so there will be an early spring. I sure friggin hope so.