Oct 18, 2006 14:19
I just want to say that my brother is FINALLY back from Iraq!! He is now back at Ft. Lewis in Washington! I hope he's not going out again any time soon. Two tours is enough. My Dad left a message on our voicemail last night, so I'm going to call him after work. *happy happy happy* Apparently Mike doesn't have a phone right now, so I can't call him directly. Though if I knew what barracks he was in, I could prolly call that, but I'll wait until I get the complete low-down from my Dad. I wonder if he'll get to go home for Christmas? That'd be awesome! I haven't seen him since we all had dinner in...August of last year, before we went to visit my Mom...? On the average I guess I see him about once ever year. Gee...that's not much at all.