Sep 18, 2006 15:58
First and foremost I want to thank Alyc as Death. Not only did she give me some AMAZING one on one RP, she helped both Heather and Kaye come to grips with Kaye's death.
It is an odd realization when you figure out IC that your death was not what you thought it would be and through accepting that path, come to grips with it IC and OOC. Literally Kaye helped Heather with Kaye's death. You see even now I do not mourn "my" death. I am at peace. I have a Zen that I don't think I have ever felt as this character. Plus I had so many internal realizations about my character after talking with Death. I feel as if my outlook has not changed only become so clear it is no longer the same point of view. I think the next few months will be good. :)
To better describe it, it is as if all the stress, angst, hatred, anger, pity, sadness, all of it is gone. There is only peace. And that is a GREAT feeling. I think in all honesty I have NEVER felt this good after a changeling game. I am in the Zone and the Zone is good!
I think this is what it was Semele was talking about. Peace with everything. The song of Ekstasis.
It's kind of neat.
I'm so looking forward to seeing everyone in next months game, that's for sure.
I am looking forward to some talks with those on the boat if they wish. It will give me a chance to explore my current state of Zen/Ekstasis.