Elvira Mistress of the Dark

Oct 02, 2009 13:31

Elvira Mistress of the Dark

Movie Rating: 4 out of 5 Stars
In Brief: I loved this campy little bit of fun and it was a great way to start the Halloween season.
minerva_fan Says: "I can't believe I watched that... but yeah, it was really funny." and also? She wants that car.

Amazon Synopsis: When her great aunt dies, famed horror hostess Elvira heads for the uptight New England town of Falwell to claim her inheritance; a rather imposing if Dilapidated mansion, the family recipe book, and her aunt's beloved poodle. But once the stuffy locals get an eyeful of the scream queen's ample assets, all hell busts out and breaks loose.

My Synopsis: Elvira Mistress of the dark isn't going to win an Emmy, and it's certainly not the most profound work, or even what one would call a first rate horror movie. As a matter of fact I wouldn't call it a first rate anything. But that's kind of the point.

The lovely Cassandra Peterson (The woman behind the boobs) set out to make a movie that was pure Elvira, in all her slutty, campy, corny, bad movie touting glory... and she succeeded with a vengeance, that's why Elvira Mistress of the Dark is so much fun.

--->Warning Here There Be Spoilers<--

Some of my favorite moments included:

watching the entire citizenship of that uptight little town moved to an orgy of epic proportions by a slight miscalculation in Elvira's Hamburger helper of doom. (Hey, how was she supposed to know you shouldn't sub hamburger helper for a magical ingredient?)

I also found her scenes with would be boyfriend/beefcake Bob the movie guy sweet and hilarious...

And the stiletto heel to the forehead of uncle Vinny was to die for.

The one thing I would have liked to have seen is more of a relationship develop between her and repressed teen Robin. I would have liked to have seen Elvira take her under her wing and help her develop into the beautiful, sexy young woman she becomes.

Instead they trade substance for flash, flashing, and bad jokes... and it works like gangbusters.

--->End Spoilers<---

I highly recommend this movie for: Elvira fans, boob fans, bad movie fans, and most assuredly satire fans.

Just don't try to take it seriously, remember that a lot of times (the flash dance scene) the really bad camera work, or acting or fill in the blank is a stab at the style in which the bad movie that Elvira glories in were made... and check your brain at the door.

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