new zines

Jun 09, 2010 15:37

Trans-care is a holistic medicine approach to preparing and healing from surgery related to transition, in particular ftm chest reconstruction. Ballard will teach you what to eat and what supplements and herbs to take in order to be in the best possible shape for surgery. and what to use afterward to minimize nausea and pain, soothe and heal wounds, reduce swelling, and repair nerves. Ballard also discusses in detail what friends can do to help, what kind of clothes, entertainment and supplies you might find helpful after the surgery and how your friends can help support you.

Ballard called this zine "trans care" while it is only written for a FTM spectrum audience. I decided to stock it because it is full of information that may not be easy to find collected elsewhere. The information about supporting the body herbally around surgery times could be applied to almost any type of surgery, including surgeries for MTF spectrum folks.

18 p/half size/B&W on baby blue
$1.00 go!

This short but useful publication from the Providence Icarus Project group gives you a quick run-down of a lot of herbs and foods that you can use to support your mental health. Whether you use western medicine to treat mental issues or not, herbs and foods can support healing and ease transitions and stressful times. This is a very basic pamphlet zine for those starting to explore healing with herbs.

"Cooking with friends and family, especially really intentionally mentally nourishing foods, feels really good, and there is a lot to be said about the restorative effects of doing nice things for yourself!" -Herbs and Foods, p. 3

7 p/half size/B&W
$0.50 Click here to buy
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