I shot a set for Flesh Garden today- of myself. It was tricky, dealing with the limited continuous shot capacities of my camera. My goal was to not have the set look like it was shot on a tripod and handheld. It will be great once it's down to the best shots.
The river was gorgeous, sparkling, and the forest speckled with light. I wish I could upload these photos now and share them with you all.
A few tentative goals for launching FG:
Twenty photo sets or videos
From me- "Summer of Love," "Selphin & s.", Selphin & s. video, "Fairy Woods." (4)
From Eris- pee set (1)
From Melissa Honey &/or her partner- "Sun porch," 3-5 videos? (5)
From MWA- 2-3 photosets, video? (3)
s.- one more? (1)
Total- ~ 14
Other models:
Ladybeast, 1-2 photosets?
E. & partner, sex tapes
The site can initially be launched as a simple password-protected site with a free tour, members area, and Paypal/CC/Google checkout access, controlled manually. As we grow we can to look into a content management system, instant access, and other things that require money or extensive coding.
Roles, roles, roles.
Myself- Graphic design, payment options
Melissa H- web administrator
MWA- music scoring
Roles as yet unfilled
-Managing email and opening and terminating membership accounts
-Legal matters and cooperative structure, research
-Model payments, profit + loss, managing shares
Decisions not yet made
-Board of directors?
-One vote per model-owner, or one vote per share owned?
-Divide content by gender/orientation?
-Divide content by type of activity, kink or fetish?
-Should all paid memberships occur on a monthly basis?
-Downloadable photos?