So I was going to seeThe Last Airbender for the lulz, but apperantly the movie is too depressingly bad to even laugh at. This makes me sad. I wasn't expecting a good movie at all, but I thought something would salvage it at least a little. I mean, I like to mock things but if the reviews are any indication, the movie crosses beyond the mocklands and into the black abyss.
BUT then I found this review and it makes so much sense.
M. NIGHT SHAMWOW WAS MAKING A COMEDY ALL ALONG! My favorite bit: Airbender doesn't just poke fun at its entire genre, with its hyperactive mix of randomness and blandness - it actually MST3Ks its audience...Aang and Sokka become Tom Servo and Crow T. Robot, staring out of the screen and bemusedly riffing on our feeble attempts to invest in this saga.
Hahaha.....ugh. I knew it was going to be downhill once I saw Zuko. He has all his hair right from the beginning! How are we supposed to track his redemption if his hair is not growing along with him?!
Anyhoodle. I probably won't see the movie now. I just rewatched the first season and remember how friggin EPIC and beautiful and emotional the finale is. That will only highlight the fail. At least I managed to get my brother addicted to the series now =D
On the other hand, I loved the Doctor Who finale! Hearts on Amy! Hearts on Eleven! They remind me of Ten and Rose <3 back in series two, before the angst kicked into over-drive. So very Peter and Wendy =3
...I still prefer my Doctor pinstriped though.