I went to the midnight showing of Indiana Jones with
andreathegreek. Oh, how excited we were. Oh, how we glowed with glee. Oh, how we laughed and cheered with the rest of our dorky crowd. History! Adventures! A well of things thought long past! Indy with a whip and a fedora, back again with his rakish grin!
We all left feeling cheated and sad and like an era of greatness had ended--and thus any marvel left in the world turned to dust. Hope and youthful reminiscence was dangled before us, only to lead us off the cliff of joy and into the rocky casm of of hollow bitterness below.
I can't even say anything else. I'm just going to pretend it never happened. A bad dream, brought on by too much sweet tea. AND NO MORE SHALL I SPEAK OF IT.
Goddamn you, George Lucas. Goddamn you.