Gwaaah? Gwaaaah!

May 01, 2008 23:25

I...I....I'm done. Completely and utterly done. All undergraduated and everything. Well, minus the actual ceremony. BUT ASIDE FROM THAT. Done.

I picked up my cap and gown today, checked out a diploma frame, looked upon the hordes of young faces selling back books and thought "Ah, yes, ye younguns. I too was once one among your humble ranks. My God, was I ever so wide-eyed and fancy-free? Nay, perhaps I was moreso. GWAH."

I was never very sentimental about high school ending. I expect to be less sentimental about college. But I do already miss my Japanese class and Victorian Literature. Because VicLit was brilliant and Japanese class was the best thing ever created. Ever. EVER. But that may just be a result of my sensei fangirling and the unholy partnerships that arose from it.

Nooooo freakin clue what's up next, though andreathegreek and I have come up with no less than 9 plans. Most involve a bandit life. And sensei stalking. And truly the world froze in horror when we two kindred spirits met =D

My first days of freedom mostly involve watching Snickers commercials and reading up on ol' Henry VIII. Oh those wacky Tudors. What will they do next?!

BTW I am so in love with the new Doctor Who eps. All of them have rocked. All of them make me want to stow away in the Tardis even more. Supernatural and Lost are good too, but they're lacking the same energy Yeah. Fun.

Also, I am doubly sick. And on 800+mg of something everything 12 hours. Groovy.

Also, name is an anagram for 'I am Ra' which means I am actually an Egyptian god. How freakin cool is that? Pretty freakin cool is the answer.

that brave beyond, life, graduation

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