Editing other people's papers is fun! Wee!
Title: Reminders
Team: Schwarz
Challenge: Pets
Word Count: 100
Characters: Nagi, Schuldig, Schuldi’s new pet
Nagi didn’t quite understand why Schuldig was so happy about getting a parrot, especially when him and Crawford were going to be gone for a month. The thing ate, molted, and made a mess, but not much else. It wasn’t even nice looking, in the telekinetic’s opinion. Just a sick green color with splashes of yellow.
“It’s my new baby,” Schuldig had drawled, grinning at some private joke.
Typing away, Nagi enjoyed the rare quiet and pushed all Schuldigish thoughts away. He only had one month of peace.
“Naggles, stop looking at porn! Rawrt! Pervert!”
And suddenly, painfully, Nagi understood.